Face gestures on Windows are much more stable and usable- thanks! I've still had an odd crash or two, but most consistently, it seems to be the first time a score is viewed/face gestures activate, if it's going to crash, it will do it then and exit. Then on the second try, it seems to work.
Having used face gestures a bit, I think a couple of settings would greatly enhance the usability:
1. A "quick action" toggle to turn them on or off. See this poor mspaint mock up:
![[Image: mobilesheets-quick-action-face-mockup.pn...r1pl&raw=1]](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7ua1bvzq4og6gowyr1glq/mobilesheets-quick-action-face-mockup.png?rlkey=ieeuiqpfdb2lezfhou0ghr1pl&raw=1)
This could possibly be placed in the bottom toolbar of the overlay, but it adds an extra step or two to bring this up and hide it again, and would be so convenient in the quick action box. Maybe there could be a toggle to turn this option off or on (or customize it- I would much more rarely use the audio player feature, for example, so I'd be glad to swap those options out if it needed to be limited to 5 options (instead of 9 possible option slots).
2. In the program options > Face gestures panel, once gestures are toggled on, an additional toggle to make them only active in performance mode.
As an organist (a user base for whom face gestures are almost a necessity in order to play from a device instead of paper, since there's not a good way to add a bluetooth pedal, and our hands and feet are already occupied, and the music rack is often further away than on a piano, making manual turns difficult), it's not uncommon to spend a great deal of practice time on a single page or two, marking it up, learning the piece, registering, etc., and it would be nice (and battery-saving) to not have the camera on when face gestures are not needed during that time, but have them automatically activate when performance mode begins (vs. regular viewing mode).
3. In reading several posts/comments about the development of the face gestures feature, I saw mentioned that there would be touch actions to turn gestures on or off. I assume this would mean they could be activated by a smart button/pedal/keypress; however, I've gone through all the options I can think of and I don't see a touch action (either of pedal/button style or the screen zone actions) to turn face gestures on or off. This could be helpful, too; though a quick/clear toggle as in #1 would still be my preference since there's no doubt about what I'm trying to do.
As an organist, there would be lots of time even in performance mode (such as playing a hymn or other strophic/versified piece) where you'd be on a single page for several minutes and not need the face gestures, but then moving to the next piece you would. The quick action box is convenient, but perhaps even cooler would be the ability to have a smart button that could issue a series of commands in sequence, i.e. to turn on face gestures and issue other commands, such as:
4. Touch (button) action to reset the current view (of current piece or portion of setlist). For example, toward the end of the setlist, I have a piece that's 6-7 pages. I typically prefer having two pages side-by-side in landscape mode, and to turn pages in alternating mode. However, depending on what comes before in the set list, the first page of this multi-page piece can end up on the right side, necessitating an extra page turn early on.
Inserting a blank page doesn't help, as in this case, despite putting it first in the setlist order, the blank page gets placed after the first page of the multi-page piece in alternating turn mode.
I know you can change the setting to make pieces separately, which is a work around for now, but in this same set list (and frequently), I have another piece that's a multi-page file that is paired with a verse/refrain which is a single page that gets seamlessly inserted into/added on to the other piece, so turning into/out of this extra page needs this feature on. These verses are different per liturgy, so it makes sense to have them as (hundreds of) separate files rather than insert the file into the other piece each time (and then deleting it later). Hopefully this process description makes sense. I can create a little video if it's helpful.
With that in mind, what I think would be helpful is to have an option added on to the per-piece display mode (i.e. single/two page), you can also choose the page turn style for that piece and/or choose to split the view for that piece (so that the first page of that piece is treated as separate/new view and begins on the left side in 2-page mode).
Once that was selected, and you saw the view how you liked it, being able to assign the current view/page turn mode as an action on a smart button would be super helpful. This way, in quick succession, you could go from a single page piece, face gestures off, etc. and then using a smart button on the next piece get it set up with the correct view, face gestures (or autoscrolling and all the other options you currently support) with one touch. It's not uncommon for an organist to have to make this kind of transition with just seconds to spare, plus any other adjustments with stops, etc. on the instrument.
Thanks for your consideration and all the great work you've done!
Having used face gestures a bit, I think a couple of settings would greatly enhance the usability:
1. A "quick action" toggle to turn them on or off. See this poor mspaint mock up:
![[Image: mobilesheets-quick-action-face-mockup.pn...r1pl&raw=1]](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7ua1bvzq4og6gowyr1glq/mobilesheets-quick-action-face-mockup.png?rlkey=ieeuiqpfdb2lezfhou0ghr1pl&raw=1)
This could possibly be placed in the bottom toolbar of the overlay, but it adds an extra step or two to bring this up and hide it again, and would be so convenient in the quick action box. Maybe there could be a toggle to turn this option off or on (or customize it- I would much more rarely use the audio player feature, for example, so I'd be glad to swap those options out if it needed to be limited to 5 options (instead of 9 possible option slots).
2. In the program options > Face gestures panel, once gestures are toggled on, an additional toggle to make them only active in performance mode.
As an organist (a user base for whom face gestures are almost a necessity in order to play from a device instead of paper, since there's not a good way to add a bluetooth pedal, and our hands and feet are already occupied, and the music rack is often further away than on a piano, making manual turns difficult), it's not uncommon to spend a great deal of practice time on a single page or two, marking it up, learning the piece, registering, etc., and it would be nice (and battery-saving) to not have the camera on when face gestures are not needed during that time, but have them automatically activate when performance mode begins (vs. regular viewing mode).
3. In reading several posts/comments about the development of the face gestures feature, I saw mentioned that there would be touch actions to turn gestures on or off. I assume this would mean they could be activated by a smart button/pedal/keypress; however, I've gone through all the options I can think of and I don't see a touch action (either of pedal/button style or the screen zone actions) to turn face gestures on or off. This could be helpful, too; though a quick/clear toggle as in #1 would still be my preference since there's no doubt about what I'm trying to do.
As an organist, there would be lots of time even in performance mode (such as playing a hymn or other strophic/versified piece) where you'd be on a single page for several minutes and not need the face gestures, but then moving to the next piece you would. The quick action box is convenient, but perhaps even cooler would be the ability to have a smart button that could issue a series of commands in sequence, i.e. to turn on face gestures and issue other commands, such as:
4. Touch (button) action to reset the current view (of current piece or portion of setlist). For example, toward the end of the setlist, I have a piece that's 6-7 pages. I typically prefer having two pages side-by-side in landscape mode, and to turn pages in alternating mode. However, depending on what comes before in the set list, the first page of this multi-page piece can end up on the right side, necessitating an extra page turn early on.
Inserting a blank page doesn't help, as in this case, despite putting it first in the setlist order, the blank page gets placed after the first page of the multi-page piece in alternating turn mode.
I know you can change the setting to make pieces separately, which is a work around for now, but in this same set list (and frequently), I have another piece that's a multi-page file that is paired with a verse/refrain which is a single page that gets seamlessly inserted into/added on to the other piece, so turning into/out of this extra page needs this feature on. These verses are different per liturgy, so it makes sense to have them as (hundreds of) separate files rather than insert the file into the other piece each time (and then deleting it later). Hopefully this process description makes sense. I can create a little video if it's helpful.
With that in mind, what I think would be helpful is to have an option added on to the per-piece display mode (i.e. single/two page), you can also choose the page turn style for that piece and/or choose to split the view for that piece (so that the first page of that piece is treated as separate/new view and begins on the left side in 2-page mode).
Once that was selected, and you saw the view how you liked it, being able to assign the current view/page turn mode as an action on a smart button would be super helpful. This way, in quick succession, you could go from a single page piece, face gestures off, etc. and then using a smart button on the next piece get it set up with the correct view, face gestures (or autoscrolling and all the other options you currently support) with one touch. It's not uncommon for an organist to have to make this kind of transition with just seconds to spare, plus any other adjustments with stops, etc. on the instrument.
Thanks for your consideration and all the great work you've done!