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Bug with custom color picker
Hi, I think this is a bug. I don't know if it's in all three sysyems, or if this is particular to the ipad, which is what I am using.

In annotations, this involves the custom color picker in the text settings. 
Go to text, by touching the text icon twice to open the settings. 
Tap on the fill square, to be able to select a color. 

(If the background of the music is not completely white, I like to set the background behind the text I'm adding to match it, so it's not obvious.)

In the color palette, choose custom.

At the top of the custom screen, pick the eyedropper. 

At this point, the eyedropper circle can only move around on top of the dialog box with the color palette, as stays in place and the music behind it is darkened. It's useless as you can only "scroll" over the dark color of the dialog box, or one of the colored circles, which you can choose anyway. 

What should happen is the dialog should minimize or disappear while the circle becomes active and can pick whatever color is under it, which should be the actual music on the page. Then after pressing the circle to lock in your choice, the dialog reappears so you can accept it your choice.

This works as expected in the ipad photos app. I am editing photos of music with it before importing to MS and it works great. 

I was fairly new to using an ipad when I found MS. But I now use the photos app frequently lighten the background, darken the notes and staves, and "erase" blemishes, or non-essential text, chord diagrams, etc. by brushing over it with the marker set to the same color as the background by using the eyedropper. Then I either save image to files first, so I can rename to song name, or if more than one page, save to pdf. Then I import from local file. 

(Maybe this is specific to the ipad. I don't think my samsung phone has as many editing features in the photo app that comes with.)

Sorry so long, but I wanted to document each step.
I'll have to see if I'm given any notification when the eyedropper is selected. That's all part of Apple's custom color picker UI (UIColorPickerViewController). That's actually not my implementation you are seeing. From what I can see in the code that is exposed by Apple, there is nothing exposed that I can use to detect the eyedropper being tapped. So I'll have to do some research if there's any other way to detect it.

So far I'm unable to find any way to receive a notification. What I should be able to do is hide the first dialog when "Custom" is selected, then display it again after a color is selected (or the dialog is dismissed). So the dialog would not be in the way at least.

Thank you - hopefully you can find a way to make it work.
Not a dealbreaker, though!
I tried everything I could think of, but that eyedropper UI is being displayed in an incredibly unusual way. It doesn't even seem to be tied to my app - if I kill the app, the UI shows up on top of the home screen. It's like it's part of the OS... Due to the fact that I have no way of identifying when it's being displayed, I can't respond to it. I can't find anyone that has discussed this either.


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