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Page Count Indicator
Is there an option or a signal, that show in page-view, if there are further sites to turn.

When having a pdf with three pages, at the moment, I cannot see on the first page, that there are more pages.
Is there an option, to activate something that indicates more pages on the fist page.
Tx for a hint.
There isn't anything like that at the moment. You can also add your own annotation for this if desired.

Clearly, I have failed to understand the question as I have always been able to see how many pages there are in a chart, but Mike says it's not possible?

I did a little hunting around and it seems that if you have Settings | Display Settings | Always Show the Title Bar checked, the page count (and the page you are on) is shown to the right of the title.

What am I missing here?

1: Samsung 12.2" SM-P900: Android 5.0.2 
2: eSTAR GRAND HD Quad-Core 4G 10.2": Android 5.1 

Some of my music here - https://www.soundclick.com/graemejaye
Tx for that hint.
If you use this option, you loose permanentliy a big part of the view port for scores.
Displaying text may not be so diffucult, but with score sheet, I dont want to decrease the size of the "paper".
(06-13-2024, 09:21 PM)musikus Wrote: Tx for that hint.
If you use this option, you loose permanentliy a big part of the view port for scores.
Displaying text may not be so diffucult, but with score sheet, I dont want to decrease the size of the "paper".

Maybe this will work for you (in my case: I just want to know, is there one page or more pages)

Add to 
"Library Setting/Song Title Formating": %PAGE_COUNT% (title format or caption format/show caption)
(You will see number of pages in all lists. Advantage: You see number of pages before(!) you open a pdf)

Set "Display Settings/Page Slider Visibility": ON
If there is just 1 page the page slider will not be shown.
If there are more pages you´ll see the slider near bottom of screen.

I´m not sure, if you asked for such a kind of "indicator",....
Exclamation  No backup, no pity
My answer was under the assumption that the user did not want to have the song overlay or title bar displayed (as obviously those would indicate what the current page is and the total number of pages available). Having the page slider be always visible is a viable choice as it's now pretty minimalistic and won't cover much of the score. I was just indicating that there isn't a specific indicator for showing that there is a next page - there are just other ways to get that information.

@Zubersoft: You perfectly understood, what I meant. Smile

@e.k: Thank you for the tip. Thats a thing which helps a bit.

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