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Guitarists (but not only): how to set multiples program changes in a song
Guitarists: a roundabout way for your pedalboard program changes

With both hands occupied by your instrument, you use a 2-button Bluetooth pedal (the left pedal to display the previous page and the right one the next), to control MSP. But also your two busy hands do not allow the use of smart buttons on a tablet, or their pointing and triggering with the mouse on a computer.

BEFORE:  the only way to perform a Program Change of your MIDI-controlled pedal board several times during a song was to split the song into as many pages (pdf or others) as there are program changes, to set a different program change when opening each page and then reconstitute the complete score in the form of a Setlist per song and change by the next page pedal: a lot of layout work, very tedious but effective.

Program your favorite bluetooth pedal as usual to turn the pages or go to the next song in a setlist. Program the other pedal to trigger Smart Buttons.
Arrange in your song as many smart buttons as program changes (buttons that you implement with the number of the program change). You can even ask:
-          a trigger of the back track audio file by a first smart button at the top of the first page (which will play the whole song while it stopped at the page change by the cutting method above)
-          a page change at the end of each page by programming a smart button in "turn half a page". (this turns the whole page if you do not have a half page) Like this no need to change the page by the other pedal. No need to tap dance...
Warning: put the smart buttons in the correct order in the smart buttons window
Other way ?  

Very very nice soft  Thanks Mike

 Enjoy OverMP

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