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Scroll Speed not working?
I am using Mobile Sheets on Android. 
I have scrolling set to half page with a foot pedal control. 
I find the default scrolling speed a bit fast as I cannot follow which stave I was on when I started the scroll.
I tried to change the settings under Settings/Tough & Pedal Settings/Pedal Actions/Scroll Speed.
Initial value was "Medium"
I tried "Slower" and "Slowest". Didn't seem to make any difference.
I tried "Immediate", expecting an immediate update. No difference.
I even tried "Fixed Duration" set to 5 seconds, which should be obvious. No difference.
What am I missing?

NB: To take the foot switch out of the equation, I tried scrolling just by touching the screen. Same results.
The scroll speed only matters when the pedal action being triggered is one like "Scroll Down or Turn Page if at Bottom". You didn't mention which pedal action you are triggering, as this matters a great deal. This is also completely separate from automatic scrolling (which can be started/stopped with a pedal) which gives you more control over the scrolling behavior. So let me know what pedal action you are using and I can try to guess at what is happening.

You said you just tapped - that is going to turn a page. That doesn't trigger scrolling actions. That just turns the page based on the display mode you are using and any settings related to that. If you use half pages in landscape with half page turns with the single page display mode, for example, each tap turns 50% of the page. If you use vertical scrolling with half page turns, then it will scroll 50% of the page at a fixed rate that you can't control. 

(51 minutes ago)Zubersoft Wrote: The scroll speed only matters when the pedal action being triggered is one like "Scroll Down or Turn Page if at Bottom". You didn't mention which pedal action you are triggering, as this matters a great deal. This is also completely separate from automatic scrolling (which can be started/stopped with a pedal) which gives you more control over the scrolling behavior. So let me know what pedal action you are using and I can try to guess at what is happening.

You said you just tapped - that is going to turn a page. That doesn't trigger scrolling actions. That just turns the page based on the display mode you are using and any settings related to that. If you use half pages in landscape with half page turns with the single page display mode, for example, each tap turns 50% of the page. If you use vertical scrolling with half page turns, then it will scroll 50% of the page at a fixed rate that you can't control. 

Many thanks. I'm not sure of the foot pedal settings, which was why I tried the manual page turn to take that out of the equation. 

I tap on the right hand side of the page, to get "vertical scrolling with half page turns" which "scroll[s] 50% of the page at a fixed rate" so it sounds like I can't control it. 

I have tried various options and settled on "vertical scrolling with half page turns" as being best for me, as I am not limited to turning pages at a specific point in time, and can turn when it is convenient. It also often means that I can allow for repeats which go over a page boundary, and don't need to keep paging back and forward. 

Given this, is there any other way I can achieve what I want, where I can control the scroll speed?

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