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Moving easilly into "Collection", like "Setlist"
Waiting for a great solution for "multi-goups" Multi-Function" (Profile), I'm using "Collection" to move between "profiles.bands-etc.."
One user gave me that idea and it could help...

Unfortunatly, Setlist and Collection do not have the same flow (navigation).

In a setlist I can move from one song (sheet) to another one.
On Collection I can do it only if a used "Oppen All"...

Could you uniformise the two navigation procedures ?

No, the way it is designed is on purpose. Setlists are designed to allow songs to be loaded all at once in a specific order. Collections are used as a means of filtering, organizing, etc. Many users rely on the current functionality and would not like it if, when trying to load an individual song from one of the group tabs, it loaded every song used by that group.

I should also add - just enable Settings->Library Settings->Automatically Load Next Song if you want to be able to transition between any songs listed on the library screen. You can then load a song a collection and switch between songs by just turning past the end like a setlist. It won't have all the same features as a setlist though.


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