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'Leader device turn pages' doesn't work if the leader uses metronome for page turning
Hi Everyone,

I've got 2 Windows devices next to each other. They are connected to Wi-Fi. MobileSheets are connected together with the 'Connect Tablets' funtion. 1 leader and 1 follower.
The follower device is configured to 'Let leader device turn pages'.
It works well, as long as I turn the pages manually on the leader device. But if I start to use metronome for turning the pages, the pages on the follower device not changing.

Could you please check if I'm doing something wrong or it's a bug?

Many thanks.
I'll look into it, but the same logic should be used when a page turn is triggered whether it comes from a tap or the metronome.

I've created a little demonstration of the issue:  20250119_194000000_iOS.MOV
Both device uses the 3.9.7 Win version.
PS.: Reviewing the video, found another glitch: at 0:17, when the second page comes in, first it fits to the visible window for a few milisec, than it scales up to the screen. Which is not good, because the title bar covers the top of page content.
I have found the cause of the issue in the code. It seems almost intentional that I chose this behavior... I can't remember the history of it though, so I will make the change so that all of the normal logic is triggered if the metronome causes a page change. The issue only exists in the Windows version, as it's implemented properly on Android and iOS.


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