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Page size (cropped area?) changes unexpectedly
I've had this happen a few times now but I can't create the problem at will.

To the best of my recollection, the sequence seems to be:
  1. Select the first song (maybe from a set list, or collection, or the full "songs" listing - doesn't seem to matter which).
  2. play the first song - paging with the pedal as necessary
  3. play the next song, and so on.
  4. Somewhere along the line the "problem" might occur.
  5. if it happens, play around the issue and continue playing without further problems occurring*.

* It's never happened more than once in a set list/gig that I can recall

So, what is the "problem"?
Very rarely I will play a page, hit the right pedal to turn to the next page, play some of what's there, hit the left pedal (maybe a repeat or a DS etc.), hit the right pedal again and the bottom of the next page is off the screen, however, I can slide the page up with my finger and the bottom is now visible.

It seems that for some reason the page has become elongated and no longer fits the screen.  I've never noticed any stretching of the music, but obviously some must be happening.   Once it's happened to a song, it doesn't matter how often I page back and forth it will remail in the vertically elongated state.  I can, however, go back to a non-song display screen (setlist, main* screen etc.) and I'm pretty sure when I go back to the song that had the problem it has disappeared.

<edit> *  Not sure, but I think I mean the library screen</edit>

It has never happened when going from one song to the next (I need to tap the screen for this as I have the pedal set to not move to the next song - great option that  Wink  ).  Actually, it has never happened on a "first" page or a single page song at all.

I'm not sure if it's relevant but ALL my songs end up cropped, so the problem pages will have been cropped at some point in time.

FWIW I crop very aggressively.  Typically the page will be cropped to the point that the printing will have maybe 2 or 3 pixels of white space to the edge of the display area, both top and bottom.  I also try to do this for the sides but sometimes I must adjust this so the page doesn't end up too "long" for the display area.
NB the phenomenon I'm experiencing very closely resembles what happens if I "over crop" the sides of a page.

Most, but not all, of my charts are only 1 or 2 pages.

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You're only paranoid if you're wrong  Cool
I'm using an Onyx Boox Tab X, and play low brass: mainly 'Bone and Tuba
just had this happen again, at a gig I played last night.  6 Days, that's the shortest time between instances I can remember.  Especially concerning when you consider that I've barely used the tablet in those 6 days.
You're only paranoid if you're wrong  Cool
I'm using an Onyx Boox Tab X, and play low brass: mainly 'Bone and Tuba
If you want to export the settings (Settings->Backup and Restore->Export Settings) and export the setlist to .msf and send it to mike@zubersoft.com, I can take a look at it to see if I have any luck reproducing the issue.

Done, thanks Mike.
You're only paranoid if you're wrong  Cool
I'm using an Onyx Boox Tab X, and play low brass: mainly 'Bone and Tuba
Hi Mike,
I've just sent you an email with screen shots relating to this issue.  Different library, so different songs and different playlist to those I've previously sent you.
You're only paranoid if you're wrong  Cool
I'm using an Onyx Boox Tab X, and play low brass: mainly 'Bone and Tuba

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