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Combine Libraries
I have two libraries on the same device. One library contains choral arrangements of songs and the other contains guitar accompaniments for the same songs. Most songs will exist in both libraries but not all. They will have the same title.

I want to be able to simply add the files from one library to the other so there is a combined library containing both choral and guitar arrangements, so technically not a sync as far as I can tell. Trying to sync does not seem to work in any case.


In Choral library:

Song 1
Song 2
Song 3

In Guitar library:

Song 1
Song 3

Combined Results: (remarks in parentheses not included in result, just for edification)

Song 1 (from Choral libary)
Song 1 (from Guitar library)
Song 2 (from Choral library)
Song 3 (from Choral library)
Song 3 (from (Guitar library)

Is there a way to do this?

Many thanks!
The only way at the moment is to export songs from one library to a .msf file, switch to the other library, then import that .msf file. You may see conflicts, but you can just choose the option to overwrite the existing file. I will be adding options soon to make it easier to move or copy songs between libraries.


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