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Probable my future default file problem
Probable future Default file problem
I'm a newbe.
When I started using MS, I just clicked and started adding and converting pdf's. Later I realized I was saving my image files to /storage/emulated/D;Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheets/files/.... I discouvered this when I was in the editor and noted under File List the file destination with a red X.[/size]
I now think I should be saving the imaged files to a defined folder on the SD card. I hope this is correct. I've MS's about 70 songs.

Can someone give me and idea what I should do to transfer these files to a new database folder on my SD card? Or, maybe I should just leave them where they are.

MobileSheets, by default, copies every file you import to a dedicated storage directory on the internal SD card. If you want to manage your files yourself, when you import a song, tap the hammer & wrench icon in the song editor, and uncheck the "Copy Files" option. You can also uncheck this option on the batch import dialog. This will ensure that if you have one or more folders already set up with all your files, MobileSheets will never try to relocate any of those files.


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