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page turning hangs with large files?
I'm not sure if it is a bug or something I'm doing wrong, but more often than not I'm having trouble turning to the next page. I think it is especially when using a file with multiple pages. It takes me by surprise, and I'm not quite precise, sorry. But as a concert is soon, I'm posting the question anyway. 

Sometimes we get a file with music for all instruments in the orchestra. I set the page order to only the pages I need. 
 tap on the screen (I set the right down corner as page turner as well)
Then, the page moves a bit but doesn't go to the next one. I can use the slide, but that often takes too much time while playing. 

I already read that I cannot cut out the pages I don't need.  Now I'm going to change them for files I prepare on forehand with only the pages I need. But I wonder if there is something else I can do?

thank you in advance for your help!
Which display mode are you currently using? With the half page and two page display modes, you can't turn pages if there is any zoom factor applied. So you have to pinch zoom out and then you will have no issues turning the page. Can you check to see if that's the problem?

Thanks  for the reply. I use half or whole page in both landscape and portrait. I remember I have been zooming out and in and double tapped to go back, without result. Of course it was during playing, so I might not have remembered well. I tried to reproduce the issue now, but even with zoom factor used, the turning worked. I'll try to make a screen shot next time it happens.

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