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Page size varies song to song
Hi I am new here. I am using mobile sheets on a Nexus 7. Songs are transcribed from, word 2013, open office, scanned from scanner and all these converted to pdf file.

Note: To avoid page "jumps" I have used "long" page settings to make song on one long page. Ie 22-40 inches depending on song

Problem/observation is that all the page widths are different most being less than full screen size. even zoomed out to 150%

Why and can this be fixed
If you have them in word it's better to print them with pdf-creator and not with a real printer. So the pdf is sharper and less big than a printed and scanned one.
In word you can adjust the borders to the wished size and then they are constand in a song.
That's better for the zoom in mobilesheets.
GOD bless you!
violin, guitar and voice at the CGS-Schwabbach

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