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Setlist filter easy in companion but not in tablet
I've been enjoying using this program. I'm running into one problem I can't seem to find any way around.

When I create a setlist in the Companion, I can enter a search term which will search through the album names as well as through song names. This way I can limit my choices, as I want to do, to just a certain album.

When creating a setlist in the tablet, search terms only look at song titles and thus I am looking through a combination of all my source albums.

This doesn't matter when I have access to both tablet and PC, but makes the creating of a setlist somewhat less easy without the PC.
This has been reworked in MobileSheetsPro, so you will have far more filtering options very soon. I plan on releasing MobileSheetsPro this month - I'm just finishing the updates to the companion app and manual.


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