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Pallet of drag-and-drop stamps
I think we need a much quicker way to use frequently-used stamps.

The lack of critical stamps, such as up-bow and down-bow markings, has been noted and these stamps will be greatly appreciated when added. (This is super important for those of us with tablets that don't work well with manual annotations.)

I think an on-screen pallet of frequently used stamps that can be dragged and dropped onto the score would be terrific. It would make all the difference in the world if I could quickly drag the following stamps onto the score:

Eyeglasses (watch the conductor!)
Fingering (numbers 1-4 for us string players)

Perhaps the selection of drag-and-drop stamps could be customized by the user, so I everyone can have quick access to the 8-10 stamps they need most.

Also, IMHO, the default color for stamps should be something other than black. I want to be able to distinguish at a glance between my annotations and the original score. (My markings are much more important Cool ) Perhaps the default color can be a configurable option.

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