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Hi Mike,

congratulations on publishing MobileSheets Pro! I am a happy user of your software for 2 years now, followed the discussion on the beta - now I´m glad to see the already very nice result.

I have remarks on the handling of bookmarks: Very good to have them available in the first place.

1. If there are multiple documents in one MS-Song (in my case e.g. 3 pdf), I can´t jump/easily find the beginning of the next document. I guess you meant the button "Display all files" to do the trick, but this shows the name of the song only.
2. If I add a new file (through the companion app) to an existing song with existing bookmarks, the bookmarks don´t keep there respective original positions and have to be rearranged.
3. It would be fantastic to be able to add bookmarks to setlists/collections, ideally from one mixed list/tab: songs and bookmarks.

Maybe not the most urging issues. Thanks for your work on this great software,

Hi Martin,

Display all songs is actually used to display all bookmarks in a setlist. When you added the new file, did you change the order of the files in the song with bookmarks already present? The code is supposed to update the bookmarks properly when you rearrange files. I'll have to look into why that's not working correctly.

As far as #3, this would require a huge amount of work, because bookmarks don't have any of the properties of songs. I think a lot of people want this, so I'll probably wind up adding it at some point.

... yes, I actually changed the order of the files in the song with bookmarks already present. And I did it with the companion app.

Display all songs: Ok, I understand it now when used in a setlist. In my case, interesting probably for others, it would be very helpful to add a function (maybe toggled with the same button, or a second one) to handle multiple files in a single song as part of a setlist. E.g. I have songs (to clean up the library) with one composition where I want to add single files with the full score and parts. With the current situation it is very annoying to find the beginnings of the single files in one song (possible with bookmarks of course, but would be so easy if the single files were given "bookmarks" automatically).

Thanks again for your work and fast reply, it´s amazing how you handle all this ...

Thanks for letting me know you used the companion app - that's really important information, as I was going to try it all on the tablet.

So, for your needs, you would just want some sort of setting/option or action in the song editor that would bookmark files when they are added to a song? Would you only want this to occur for files beyond the first? I'll have to think about what's the best way to handle this - a single setting that affects creation of all songs or something that you can activate individually... I think for users who want to include multiple PDF files in one song, they probably want the same behavior all songs, so they would prefer to have a setting they can activate and then forget about it.

I just want users of my app to feel like they can get the support they need in a timely manner. It's not always easy to get everyone the features they need, but I do what I can.

Could it be possible to have a couple (or more) bookmarks for the same page? Is this already possible? When I go to do it, the OK is not active. For the second piece.
For instance a short Minuet and the first part of a Prelude are on the same page so I need a bookmark for each.

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