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Companion App Connection Issues - Tablet Internal Storage
With the newest releases, many people are experiencing problems with the companion app connection. This is unfortunately due to a bug with the "Tablet Internal Storage" destination option. Please select SD Card instead of this, and you will not receive a connection problem. I think people are misunderstanding the difference between these options. SD Card does not mean removable SD Card (that's what the Removable storage option is for), it means use the tablet internal SD card. Internal storage is a specialized storage location that is hidden from everything except MobileSheets. As stated in the manual, it is NOT recommended that you use internal storage unless you don't have any other choice.

Having said all that, this has motivated me to remove the Internal Storage option, and leave a new option in place for "Default Application Storage". I will determine if an internal SD card is present on the tablet (which almost every tablet has), and automatically store it there. I will release yet another update this weekend to fix this issue, as many people seem to be using Internal Storage and are running into issues.

FWIW, I use removable storage for mine (because I have 16gb built in plus a 32gb sd card left over from an older phone) and would like to keep it that way.
Removable storage will still be there of course. I just don't think it makes sense to have internal storage + SD card. I will just always use SD card unless for some odd reason the tablet only has internal storage. I'm not even sure if a tablet like that exists.

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