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Filter By Key
Hello Mike,

When I tried to filter by songs key I noticed a small bug.

if I filter on key [C] for example it give me all the songs in Cm C# C#m too.

I think it should return only pure [C] songs.

How are you going about filtering by key? Are you using the key dropdown or are you just typing in the key in the search bar? For the search bar, I basically search for any instance of the search text in the chosen field, so if you are searching using that (with the dropdown beside it set to Key) it makes sense why it's currently doing that .I will need to change the current approach so that it looks for exact matches instead of just matching on any hit.

Yes, with the search bar i aggree with you it's ok to search if a field contains the search.
But the bug I noticed is when I use the dropdown(combobox) key and I just select one key like A,B,C,D,F,G it return all the # b and minor keys too.

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