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Batch Import
I have just bought msp (a few days ago) and a samsung galaxy note 12.2 pro and I'm trying to import my library of sheets but without much success. I have imported one file using'local file' but I want to include meta data when importing since I have several thousand files in various folders on my pc. I get the message '0 of 0 files imported' when I try and do a batch import. My sequence is as follows.

Connect the tablet to my computer (windows vista using a usb 2).
Drag folder from computer to root<mnt<sdcard<mspro on tablet
Select 'import' in library view
Select 'batch import'
Set import directory
Select root<mnt<sdcard<mspro
Put a tick beside the folder name I would like to import
Select 'ok'
Set file filter to *.pdf 
Tick the next four options
Set say an artist and genre
Press start

I also used root<mnt<sdcard<mspro to import the single file which worked fine.

I tried to set up the Wifi link with the companion but Wifi is always greyed. That's really a separate problem.

Can anyone advise?
I can't remember for sure, but I don't think you can do folders. Try highlighting a selection of sheets from a folder and importing as a group. I sideloaded at first during the beta.
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
Thanks for reply. There does not seem to be a means to select files with batch import; only folders.
When I navigate to the folder I want (using batch import>import directory), tick the selection box and click on the folder I want, it shows me all the files in the folder but they are not coloured blue as if it is only the title of the files but there is nothing else there.

When I plug in the the usb cable between tablet and computer, select the files and folders on the computer and drag them across, all I see on the computer is 'Tablet' with a number of folders (Alarms, Android, Autodesk, DCIM, Documents, Downloads..... mspro, Music, My documents.....). I drag the music sheet files to the mspro folder. Where on the tablet would this put the files? Perhaps I am not selecting the correct place.
See if my post 15 is of any basic help.
I made a folder [called 'sideload'] on the tablet just for this purpose. When I did the actual import I looked for this folder then imported from it.
The files end up in root>storage>sdcard>Android>data>com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro>files, after the import.
Dell Latitude 13.5" 2-in-1 Ubuntu/Win 11
Samsung Note Pro SM-P900 12.2 Android 5.0.2
Samsung S7+, Android 12
I see now there seems to be a reported bug in pdf batch imports.

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