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Fakebook Pro Incorproates Into MS Pro
I have a new jazz gig with a female vocalist who sings in keys other than the standard Real Book Key.

So, instead of using Real Book charts with melodies, I was forced to transpose the charts (chords only) in FakebookPro.

But, in additional to having a lot of wrong chords, I needed to annotate other comments (intros/outros/etc).  FaekbookPro does not seem to allow typing (and the pen feature does not work well for me).

Luckily I was able to "share" the transposed Fakebook Pro charts into Mobilesheets.  So I was able to annotate using MS and was able to put together a collection including both the transposed FakebookPro charts and the few songs the singer sings in the keys I have (already in Mobilesheets).

So, I am grateful for this feature of Mobilesheet (and Fakebook Pro).

Obviously, I would prefer to have good real book charts that allow for transposing the melody as well as chords (I understand the issue is copyrights).

Are we any closer to having all real book charts available so they are easily transposed, including melody lines?  In know some people are using ChordPro files, so any information is welcome.

A fake book is a collection of musical lead sheets intended to help a performer quickly learn and perform new songs. Each song in a fake book contains the melody line, basic chords and sometimes lyrics - the minimal information needed by a musician or small group to make an impromptu, extemporized arrangement of a song, or "fake it". The fake book is a central part of the culture of playing music in jazz, where strong improvisation abilities are expected from "comping" rhythm section players (piano, electric guitar, double bass, drum kit) and "lead instruments" which play the melody and improvise lengthy solos over the chord progression. Check this out..
Many 'real/fake book' songs are available in MuseScore format. You can view and transpose them on the tablet.
To import the songs into MSPro requires you to export them from MS, thus losing the ability to transpose them.
There is a feature request for MSPro to support MS files directly, but this is a huge undertaking so it will not happen anytime soon.
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).

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