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2 page PDF refuses to display 2nd page
I have an annoying PDF file that refuses to display both pages. MSP thinks it only has one page but anything else (Windows 10, Linux, Mac) sees it as 2 pages. I've tried changing the layout, font sizes and combinations, adding extra text, taking text out, all to no avail. I've got about another 180, not all multiple page PDFs, but those that are, display fine.
I've no idea where to go from here - it's not a major issue as for this one entry I've reverted to using the original ChordPro file that the PDF is created from.
FWIW I've attached (I hope) the offending PDF.

Attached Files
.pdf   Little Things.pdf (Size: 105.7 KB / Downloads: 10)
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2" + Donner DMB-1
I'm going to need a little more information for how you set up the song. I connected my tablet to the companion app, dragged & dropped that file into the companion, and both pages displayed correctly. So I created the song, transferred it to the tablet, and then loaded it on the tablet. Both pages showed up correctly. Did you verify that the page order was set to 1-2 for the song in MobileSheetsPro?

Hi Mike,
Apologies ... Senior moment Confused . I added the song in using a batch import. If I then edited the entry and looked on the "Files" page it showed the Page Order as 1-1 and Pages in File as 1. I even deleted the PDF and added it again with the same result. After your comment I tried deleting the song and then adding it back in via NEW. It now shows as having 2 pages, both of which I can see. I'll do that in the future if I come across the same issue.
(BTW - I've just deleted the song and re-imported it via a Batch Import and I can see both pages so I've no idea what went on before!!)
Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2" + Donner DMB-1
No worries, I'm just really curious how the song ended up with that page order after the batch import.

FWIW ...
Finally figured out what has been going wrong. If the PDF changes to have LESS pages, MSP picks it up. I had a 4 page medley that got reduced to 2 and MSP immediately shows the number of PDF pages as 2 if I edit the song and go to the Files tab.
Conversely, if the number of PDF pages INCREASES, MSP doesn't pick it up. Deleting the file in the Files tab and then adding it back in sorts out the problem.

Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2" + Donner DMB-1

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