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Windows oddities
Hi Mike,

a few oddities:

Swapping a file: the original number of pages is kept after a swap!
This means if I replace a 1 page pdf with a 2 page pdf, the second page is not there, not even in the edit view.
It only works if the file is selected in the edit mode. I use the swap file option in the overstack menu a lot.

As I want to use Windows as the master installation, and take that library to the tablets, I miss the possibility to give a 5 star rating for a "perfect" pdf. Nothing happens when the stars are clicked (I reported this earlier).

Some pdfs and mp3s disappear in Windows, the invaluable find missing files function reveals this. I exclude user dumbness here to 99%.
Sometimes it's both, sometimes just the mp3. The latter is mailnly with songs that have the same name, one being the guitar, the other the uke version.

A song with a long name ("Conservative Christian, right wing Republican, straight, white, American male" by Todd Snider) loses the pdf and mp3 after library restore in Android. The song is fine in the Windows version.

Swapping a file is supposed to take into consideration whether the full range of pages is being used for the current file, and if so, it should use the full range of pages from the new file as well. If that's not occurring, there must be a bug in there somewhere. I'll look into this.

I'm still working on the next Windows update - the rating issue is going to be fixed, along with a lot of other bugs.

Is there anything unique about that song? I'll try to run through some library restores on my end to see if files go missing.

Thanks Mike,

in all cases the full range was used in the original file (swapping).
The song that lost its pdf and mp3 in Android (where in Windows it is fine, the source of the library), other than the long name, has no unique qualities (well, it's a funny song, but content won't play a role here...)
I just imported a one page PDF. I then swapped in a two page PDF. I verified that the page order was previously 1-1, and after importing, the page order is 1-2. It's correctly using the full range of pages after the swap. I'm going to need an example of how to reproduce this problem, because based on this test, it appears to be working just fine.


only see your last reply now, I have commented in the other thread where you announce 1.7.
No idea why it doesn´t work here and I wouldn´t know what to change to avoid this phenomenon with "swap file".
I use the edit mode instead now whenever the number of pages has changed between pdf file versions of a song.

After having removed the comma characters from the song title, both the song's files (pdf and mp3) are now available in the backup library. Must have been an issue with the path I take it.

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