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Crop and multiple file song
It seams like cropping is not always possible when using songs consisting of multiple pdf's where the page order has been changed. 

I have a song consisting of 2 PDF'S. The first pdf is limited to page 1-3. The second pdf is limited to page 4-6.  it appears that on some of these pages cropping is not possible. It looks to me like the imported auto cropping is done but attempt to manual crop is simply ignored. It does not always happen on every page but at least on some of them.  
Ihave not found a 100% consistence in which page can or cannot be cropped.
I can't reproduce this issue with v1.7.2. I used two PDFs, and changed their page order so that only two pages is used from each file. I then loaded the song, opened the crop editor, and changed the cropping for every page, and tapped OK. The cropping was successfully changed. If you can provide specific steps and/or files, I would really appreciate it.

I will make some more tests and see if I can come up with a bulletproof way of getting the error. It might be a combination of annotation and crop..
It was originally tested on 1.7.1 but saw it in 1.7.2 as well.
I'll be back ?
I just realised that it is possible to crop the file from file tab in the song editor also..
This actually seems to work flawlessly. So on the songs which gives me problems i can crop it from this tab (I.e. edit->files, crop) but it gives me problems if I try it from within the song itself (I.e. When actually playing the song, click on the image like symbol on the bottom bar and choose crop).
I can provide an msf file of the troubled songs if you think that could help?
The above was tested on 1.7.3
Hmm I might have been to hasty in my previous statements. I do have songs that refuse to crop both when viewing and editing. I have pasted a link to the file below. In this; page 3 of the second file (last page in the second file) refuses to crop. I'm trying to crop-away the lines with the red annotation.
Maybe someone can confirm/reject this?
Thank you for the file, I have located the issue and fixed the bug. I'm going to include this with the small update I'm putting out tonight, so you won't have to wait long for a fix. In the meantime, a workaround is to apply "Auto-Crop" to the song, then clear that cropping, and then cropping on any page will work after that.

Nice Smile i will test it asap.
I actually found a work around. It seemed that closing the app and stopping it completely by removing it from recent app list gave me a few more crops. Usually I could crop 3 times then it would refuse. then another close and remove gave me 3 more etc... I hope that was what you found.
I will test it..
Have you tested with v1.7.4 yet? It should have fixed the problem.
Zuberman Wrote:Have you tested with v1.7.4 yet? It should have fixed the problem.

So far it is working with 1.7.4.  
Given the nature of it (that I sometimes could crop/sometimes not) I was a bit reluctant to say all clear... But 2 days of cropping around has not given any errors, so I would think that it is fixed Shy   
Thanks for the fast update

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