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Tempo in title bar

a new toy on my tablet, the drum machine metronome app "Drum Beats +", makes me suggest to have the option to display the value of the Tempo field in the title bar, to avoid invoking the MSP metronome screen each time I want to look it up.
Now, "of course", this can be achieved by adding the field in the Title Format in the settings, which is what I've done today, incl. conditional bracket so that the number is somewhat separate from the song title.
The downside: the numbers just look odd along the song title, in any list view, brackets or not.

3 "solutions" come to mind:
- Allow to right-align a desired element of the Title Format, so that the value is shown just left of the media file symbol.
- Allow to define to show a field in the title bar but not the library.
- The MSP metronome includes some realistic drum sounds, making external apps obsolete ?.

The last suggestion is only half serious though that would be absolutely a.w.e.s.o.m.e.
I can't decide whether I like "solution" 1 better than 2.

Does the above make any sense?
How about displaying the tempo in the "Caption" (the second title line) instead of adding it to the title?
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

Utilizing the caption would be one good solution for this. If that won't work, I would lean towards #2, although this would require a completely separate formatting field in the settings for the title bar. I would probably alter the Song Title Formatting dialog to have a checkbox that indicated whether to use a separate format for the title bar. If a separate format is required, then I would make a new field visible for this, otherwise I would hide it, as I think most people wouldn't need that.

I'm all for supporting #3, but I would need to get my hands on some realistic drum samples that would work well in a metronome. One requirement is that the drum samples can work all the way up to 280 BPM, as that is the maximum allowed by MobileSheetsPro currently.
Thanks both.
The second title line is not shown in the title bar though. Would be good to see the tempo information when looking at the song itself, not just in the list view.
I use the second title bar for Artist, Year and Capo information, so it´s pretty crowded already too.
Mike, the mentioned drum sample app (which is designed to be a sophisticated metronome, not a drum track builder or such) ends at 175 BPM, fast punk rockers will have to look somewhere else.
I would be surprised if MSP users went beyond 175, of course you never know.
# 2 would be great, this would also allow (I take it) to include specific fields from the second title line in the title bar, something that's currently not possible.
# 3 would be greater of course :-)

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