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CSV import of pdf book with corresponding audio files. update:WORKS!
I would like to import pdf books using an accompanying  csv file for refencing the songs. These are Hal Leonard books that have a CD that comes with it. The CDs have a demo song and a backtrack song to practice or play live with. I have seen that the csv import feature can have associated audio files. So, two questions.

 1) How is the audio file supported, i.e. the syntax? Does one enter the full name of the file with or without the path? Does the audio file have to be already entered in MS? Or does it create the entry at the same time as the chart? The ideal for my situation would be if the entry is created at the same time and metadata that applies to the chart also applies to the audio file.

 2) Is it possible to add two audio files at the same time and also differentiate between the demo and backtrack song?

Is this something no one has ever done? ????
Seems to me this could be a nice way to set up oneself to play solo which is what I am aiming at.
This is a very small town , there are near zero jazz players, so if I want to play jazz, I'll have to start alone.


Hello Dan,

Sorry for the delay in responding. Here are the answers:

1) You need to define one of the columns as "audio files". You can put a list of files in that column if you use | as a delimiter. A full file path is expected, so you can't list just the name (if this is an issue, it would need to be an enhancement to support just a name). The audio file does not have to be in MS already - the entry is created with the new song. Audio files aren't treated as separate songs - they are just files associated with a song, so they won't have separate metadata.

2) Yes, you can add multiple audio files, but I'm not sure what kind of differentation you are looking for. The titles of the audio tracks will basically telling which one you are listening to. The large layout of the audio player (tap the number icon) will reveal the track list, and you can choose whichever track you want to have playing (or just skip next/skip previous as needed).

OK, Mike. I will be OK with that.
Much thanks.

Hi again Mike, I have finally tried to import a PDF Book with corresponding audio files today.
The import goes OK except for the audio files; none of them are imported.

Is it possible that the problem is the path stated in the csv file?
I tried several ways but with no success.

When you mentioned "a full path is expected" in your last post of this thread, could you elaborate exactly what that means?

I tried   "MS Folder Directory\HLPA\Vol 7\Name Of Song.mp3"
I tried   "SD card\MS Folder directory\HLPA\Vol 7\Name Of Song.mp3"
I tried   "3565-3232\MS Folder directory\HLPA\Vol 7\Name Of Song.mp3"   (3565-3232 being the name of the SD Card)
I tried    "Root\storage\3565-3232\MS Folder directory\HLPA\Vol 7\Name Of Song.mp3" (this one is the path shown when looking at the pdf file in the Files" tab)

None of these work, so here I am, asking you what would be the full path in this case.

BTW, in my case, the audio files are in the same folder as the csv and pdf files.
Also, I manage my own files and directories, not MS.

It means you need to provide the path to the file as would be expected on the Android file system. In your case, it would be:

/storage/3565-3232/MS Folder directory/HLPA/Vol 7/Name Of Song.mp3

You have to use forward slashes for Android file paths. Did you really name it "MS Folder directory" or were you just using that as a placeholder?

OK Mike. I'll try that. Looks like the only one I hadn't tried Smile

And I hadn't realized Android needed forward slashes.
Thanks for pointing that out; looks like there were 2 reasons why it didn't work.

Yes my charts and mp3 files are all in a directory named "MS Folder directory".
I try to keep the SDCard for all my data, so each type of data, depending on the program, has it's own directory.

Much thanks,
It all worked!!   I'm a happy man!

Thanks a bunch, Mike!


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