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MobileSheets Pro/ChordPro - only using half (if that) of the display
What an excruciating discovery.  I had planned on importing ALL my chord sheets using ChordPro... (thankfully I can spare myself SOME of the pain/suffering because another product I own, Linke Songbook, provides a conversion of tabs to ChordPro) if I discover any sort of error... I end up getting thrown into a text editor and having to directly edit the ChordPro-formatted file.  Really?  ARGH.  I half-expected that I could AT LEAST select the chord (for example) and modify it directly from the editing screen.  Call me a whiner I suppose, but I find that with the ability to annotate a "layer" on top of a music PDF, that MobileSheets would at least put the chords, etc. into a text layer and provide the ability to edit that like all the other text.  Silly (dreamer) me!

"Speaking" of excruciating discoveries ... despite eliminating multi-column mode... and selecting fit-width scaling... I still have minuscule text and half (in portrait) and a full two-thirds (in landscape) of the screen blank.  Shouldn't fit-width blow the text up to... uh... fit-the-width (less the specified margin width)?  I've just purchased, downloaded, and installed MobileSheets Pro this week so I would HOPE I've got the latest/greatest version.

Hopefully I have missed something painfully obvious.

/ SenseiC bows out.

Church Worship Leader
Martin D-28
Not quite sure about all the points in your post but you can crop the displayed page to remove the large areas of white around the text.

To crop a song
  1. display it
  2. press the screen in the centre (bottom?); this will display bars with icons at top and bottom of display
  3. Select icon at bottom,  2nd from left and "crop"
  4. Choose auto crop  or move the edges manually
  5. Save (repeat as necessary)
Don't know how you are addings songs to MSP but the import(?) options allow you to autocrop new files. This handles most of my songs but I do sometimes have to manually some.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6

I'm not sure I completely understand what you were expecting with changing the chords in the chord pro file. Are you basically saying you just want a nicer editing feature for chords? It's a basic editor at the moment, but I didn't think that typing letters to change chords was too difficult. I'm always open to feedback for changes. You then talked about chords in the context of annotations - are you saying you want to be able to edit the text from the annotations editor? It's not that simple at all - the representation of the text when rendered is completely different than its representation in the text file itself.  Creating the ability to edit the rendered text and map that back to the original file text is not something I support at all, and it would require significant changes to be able to figure that out for minimal benefit.

As far as fit width, that really only applies to PDFs and image files. It will stretch the page to fit the width of the tablet screen. A chord pro file doesn't have a predefined width or height. I render it using the whole screen, so I'm confused about what you are encountering.  It sounds to me like what you really want is the font to be scaled up. If that's what you want, tap on the "A" at the top right corner of the song editor, then tap "Text Display Settings", and then you can either increase the font size, or tap "Auto-Size Font" at the bottom which will increase the font size as much as possible without causing wrapping (which sounds like what you are describing). If you go into the application Settings->Text File Settings, there is an "Auto-Size Font" option along with a maximum auto size font setting (to ensure text isn't enlarged too much). These apply to new files you import. If you enable those, then you don't have to manually size the font later.

Quote:Mike wrote:

As far as fit width, that really only applies to PDFs and image files. It will stretch the page to fit the width of the tablet screen. A chord pro file doesn't have a predefined width or height. I render it using the whole screen, so I'm confused about what you are encountering.  It sounds to me like what you really want is the font to be scaled up. If that's what you want, tap on the "A" at the top right corner of the song editor, then tap "Text Display Settings", and then you can either increase the font size, or tap "Auto-Size Font" at the bottom which will increase the font size as much as possible without causing wrapping (which sounds like what you are describing). If you go into the application Settings->Text File Settings, there is an "Auto-Size Font" option along with a maximum auto size font setting (to ensure text isn't enlarged too much). These apply to new files you import. If you enable those, then you don't have to manually size the font later.

Ahh... See I expected the fit-to-width to enlarge the formatted Chordpro output to "fit the screen".  That would also explain why it made little difference on the orientation of the tablet.  I will "play" with the font sizing, etc.  I just saw "fit-to-width" and took it literally.  Big Grin

The "holder" for the tablet should arrive tomorrow (so I can mount it on a mic stand) along with the BT page turner, though not certain I will risk this Sunday's worship service as a trial run.

Currently transitioning from a couple-hundred pages of printed chord sheets to a "tablet" (all currently done using MS Word, styles, etc. so ample pain to go around   Wink ).  The editing part might become easier in the near future.  Ultimately planning on using a Samsung Chromebook Plus (and before you ask... yes it can run Android and Linux apps  https://www.androidcentral.com/these-are...linux-apps)... so the editing of text with the Chromebook in notebook "orientation" would make that far less painful than text editing Chordpro files on your typical tablet (and hey... it has a built-in pen/stylus too!  woohoo).  At the moment I have to resume the transition of printed (Word) pages to Chordpro, but fortunately the other application I have a license for provides a tab-to-Chordpro converter so I can paste the raw text with chords into that, convert it, and then copy/paste the resulting Chordpro formatted output to a text file for transfer into MobileSheets.  The one advantage of that application... as I own both the Android and Windows versions, it has the ability to use the mouse, select blocks of text, and apply a Chordpro directive to it.  For example I can select the Chorus, right-click, and choose {soc}/{eoc} from the menu and it will bound the selected text with the start/end chorus directives.  That said MobileSheets provides additional Chordpro features (completely ignoring the PDF annotation feature).

/ SenseiC bows out

Church Worship Leader
Martin D-28

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