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Joined: Nov 2017
Has anyone used Mobile Sheets on a Samsung Galaxy Pro 12.2 in the sun? Nearly impossible to read. I think this may be the issue for any digital music reader/tablet. I thought I could use the Night mode, but then I can't see my comments on where to go when I change pages with my pedal. I guess I need to be under an umbrella or pop-up shade unless there are other changes on MobileSheets that I am not aware.
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I think you would face that issue with most LCD or LED based tablet screens. There are some e-ink Android tablets that work great even with glare, but they are a little expensive. I'm hoping over time the cost may come down and it will be a reasonable alternative for most people.
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On my Samsung Note I have an anti-glare foil which greatly reduces reflections but also reduces brightness. It is really, really great for normal use but becomes a pain when used in heavy sunlight due to the reduced brightness.
My other tablet does not have anti-glare, so the brighness is higher, but it reflects like hell. Having a sun shield will hardly work since it is the reflections that kill readability.
When performing in bright sunlight I sometimes use the first, sometimes the other tablet, with varying success.
An e-ink tablet would be the best for this circumstances, I think.
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
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Maybe send a note to ink tablet manufacturers, letting them know this is a nice potential market for them.
Requirements: Quik enough page turns, blue tooth, Android compatible.