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Joined: Jul 2018
I am new to MobilSheets so please forgive me if I am asking questions that have been already answered. I will start with printing. I would like to print either a song or a Setlist of the song titles. I am using a Windows 10 laptop.
Next, I have been using MobilSheets for about 10 weeks. I loaded about 206 songs into a collection I will call A for the purpose of this discussion. I have made weekly Setlists and have been able to create, sort, etc. and later view the songs during the performances. I wanted to add a new collection of songs so I created a new collection called B. I imported the songs into B and then created a third collection called C and imported songs into this collection. However, when I go to view B or C I cannot see the individual songs and I can't create a setlist with those collections. The only way to even know they are there is to go into the collections and select B or C and the edit menu appears but I can't select or in the view the list of songs. Should I uninstall MS and re-load it?
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To print, long press a song or setlist on the library screen, tap/click the three dots at the top right (the overflow menu) and tap/click "Print". You can also export files by using Share->Export files if you want to transfer them to your PC for printing, for example.
As far as the issues you are seeing with the collections, it sounds like filters are enabled. Tap the "X" at the far right side of the filters bar and see if that makes the songs appear in the collections like you would expect. Let me know if that isn't the issue.
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Re multiple versions, don't import the same song more than once!
I find the easiest way to do this is to use a dedicated folder to hold files that need to be transferred to the tablet. To add songs, copy them into this dedicated folder before initiating the import and delete them from there once the import has succeeded (the originals are stored elsewhere on the pc). This prevents accidental "pickup" of other songs that would have been in the same directory as the original version.
To update a song with the Companion, right click on it and choose "Swap File" instead of reimporting.
Swap File means that any existing song references in set lists will now refer to the new version.
Using your current method, deleting a duplicate song will result in set list references being removed i.e. your set list will be shorter.
Please note that a song can be in more than one collection and can be moved between collections, or added to a collection, using the Companion and/or the MSP native menus.
There are posts talking about MSP supporting multiple databases e.g. you could have a separate database for each group you play with). Until this appears, the method I have adopted is to append a 3 letter collection mnemonic to the end of each file name eg "Bad Moon Rising" becomes "Bad Moon Rising - U3A". This is overkill but allows me to notice when songs are in the wrong collection. Where a song is also common to another group, I load it again using a different mnemonic (rather than just including it in a different collection). This minimises any issues if one of my groups wants to update their version.
I tend to only add one or two songs at a time so editing the name is no real issue (not so easy if you are importing many songs at the same time).
When manipulating collections etc in the Companion, don't forget that you can click on the displayed column headers to change how they are displayed.
Another issue may be that you have "Create SubDirectories For Songs" set in Settings - Storage ( I suggest you turn this off).
Others use DropBox and/or Google Drive but as you are still gaining experience of the program I suggest you keep it simple and find something that works for you.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6