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Forward and back - across pages - in landscape mode
Current settings:
Display Half Page in Landscape - checked
Half-Page Turns in Landscape - checked

Page Alignment  - Center.

My tablet is of A4 size in height, so it is useful to have a full page (8.5 x 11) in portrait mode displayed in the center of the screen vertically, so that empty screen space is both at the top and bottom of the displayed page of music.  However, when one goes to landscape mode it doesn't make as much sense for the page to be vertically centered on the screen when the page of music is taller than the visible screen area.  Namely, the music is shown at the middle of the page, with the top and bottom both off the visible area of the screen.  In this case it would seem to make more sense to show the top of the page.

I think it is this that causes the following issue.

When I am in landscape mode using the pedal, and reach the bottom of the page, a pedal press takes me appropriately to the top of the next page.  All well and good.  However, it would be ideal for a back pedal press to then take me back to the bottom of the previous page.  Instead it takes me to the middle of the previous page, which I think is related to what I was talking about in the previous paragraph.

So, with my current settings, if I am at the top of the next page and want to go back to the bottom of the previous page, I must pedal back which takes me to the center of the previous page, and then pedal forward to move back down the page.  (It would be at this point that a forward pedal press would take me to the next page.)

Of course, I may just have my settings not ideally set.  I do prefer the half page landscape display rather than the "fit to width" capability, which is just too wide.
NuVision 13.3" Full HD - 16GB - Android Internet Tablet with Keyboard Case, Stand & Stylus (TM1318) - Purple
If I've understood your post correctly, I'm not sure why you wouldn't just crop out the top and bottom of the page and then if the page is enlarged too much by doing that, you could could zoom past 100% and change the page alignment to center. Another option would be to just use the vertical scrolling display mode with the top/bottom of the pages cropped. Otherwise I'm going to need a detailed description of what changes you would proposed be made to address your current use case scenario that accounts for all possible page sizes, settings and uses by other users.

These are Czerny exercises and there are 100 exercises in the file.  I just bookmark into the one I'm working on.  The current one starts on the bottom of one page and then continues onto the top of the next page.  It would be useful to be able to page next and back between them.  The notation is a bit small for my eyes, so I work on these in landscape mode.

I realize that I could copy out these two relevant pages, and then crop out the portions of those two pages that don't pertain to the particular exercise that I'm working on.  I actually did that at one point, but it was just too much bother.  

It pages forward appropriately, to the top of the next page. I just thought there was probably a simple way to be able to page back to the bottom of the previous page.  If not, no biggie.
NuVision 13.3" Full HD - 16GB - Android Internet Tablet with Keyboard Case, Stand & Stylus (TM1318) - Purple
When I use the half page turn in landscape and turn back from one page to the previous one, it always takes me to the bottom of the previous page. Unless you adjusted the page size or the the half page turn offsets, then it should be doing that. If you adjusted those other things, then I'm not sure what could be modified to account for that.

I'm beginning to think this was "user error."  Namely, I think I may have had some file-specific setting on there that pertained to where the top of the page was, or how much to scroll it or something similar.  I looked around to see if there was an odd setting, but couldn't find anything that so indicated.  So, I went into that option where one can set the top of the page point and the half page point and think I set them both to the top of the page.  I don't know what the setting may have been, or how I could have found out.  Anyway, it now seems to be working the way I would have expected.
NuVision 13.3" Full HD - 16GB - Android Internet Tablet with Keyboard Case, Stand & Stylus (TM1318) - Purple

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