Any chance we could see ePub support at some point?
I realize this is probably NOT within the remit of MobileSheets but it never hurts to ask?
As to why, my chorus has started making our programs available in digital format as ePubs so I'd love to file those with the music from the concert. It would also allow me to put some of my music theory and other music related books on the "same shelf" as my sheet music as opposed to "shelving" them with my regular books. Just like I keep my cookbooks in the kitchen and not in my "library".
P.S. Yes, I know that I could use something like Calibre to convert the ePubs to PDF and that's what I've done but PDF is so... Static. Thanks again!
I realize this is probably NOT within the remit of MobileSheets but it never hurts to ask?
As to why, my chorus has started making our programs available in digital format as ePubs so I'd love to file those with the music from the concert. It would also allow me to put some of my music theory and other music related books on the "same shelf" as my sheet music as opposed to "shelving" them with my regular books. Just like I keep my cookbooks in the kitchen and not in my "library".

P.S. Yes, I know that I could use something like Calibre to convert the ePubs to PDF and that's what I've done but PDF is so... Static. Thanks again!