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Have folders in list of setlists?

I have a lot of setlists for different groups that I play with, the largest one being church with over 50 setlists. When looking for a list, it would be nice to be able to group some of them in folders so they don't take as much space in the list of setlists. Like one for church, one for my duo, one more for each group I play in would be very useful to me. It would need to have a little plus sign or something to expand the desired group. So the setlist view could have both single setlists or folders of a group of setlists.

Has this been asked before? I would think others are in a similar situation.


This works for me and may work for you

I name my setlists with this sort of format "group and/or venue yyyy-mm-dd"
e.g. "Avon Lodge 2017-06-20" and "Pub: The Plough 2019-03-25"

This means that setlists for the same group or venue are displayed in alphabetical and date order per group/venue (assuming appropriate sort options)

I don't tend to refer to the old setlists (unless I'm looking to see what we played last time) so, when I create a new set list, I add a single space (sometimes two), before the new name.
The newly created setlist will then appear at the top of the set list page.
In my case, there are only a few of these so they are all easily visible/selectable

After being used, I use the rename feature to remove the initial space(s) from the start of the name; the renamed set list is then displayed at the end of the group/venue list.

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6

Yep, that would be nice (I had made a similar request a while back).

My setlists are named like
I managed that all my group abbreviations start with a different letter. So one click on the alfabetical list navigates to the band.
With yyyy-mm-dd as date format and the sort method set to A-Z descending the current event shows up on top of the list.
Thus I can keep all 135 setlists since I started using MSP and I'm able to access the most important current setlists instantly.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
first language: German
Acer A1-830, Android 4.4.2 - HP x2 210 G2 Detachable, Win 10 22H2 - Huawei Media Pad T5, Android 8.0 - Boox Tab Ultra C, Android 11
www.moonlightcrisis.de - www.basdjo.de - www.frankenbaend.de

Adding folders/groupings in between other setlists would basically require a complete rewrite of the setlists tab and all of the supported actions (long press processing, tapping, etc). Adding a separate tab that is of a similar design as the other tabs but is a group of setlists would require far fewer changes. Imagine this as being kind of like the "Collections" tab but for setlists instead of individual songs. Even this would require a lot of new code though as it would technically be three layers deep instead of two. 

The level of effort involved is why I haven't tackled something like this yet. Adding support for setlist groupings on the setlists tab seems like the best path, but involves the greatest amount of work and changes. It would require new editing tools and options, new database tables, and lots of UI changes.  I've been putting this off until the other high priority issues are worked (i.e. the annotations redesign, iOS version and frequently requested features like chord pro grids and chord diagrams). While going down this path, I may decide to redesign certain aspects of the library lists to support new features and capabilities. 

It seems a bit obvious, but I haven't seen it mentioned yet. 

Why don't you use the filter to just display the setlist for the band/occasion you need (which you still can sort alphabetically or with dates, not to mention you can save the filters). With a bit of sensible naming you don't need groups or folders and we spare Mike a lot of programming effort.
It's been a while since I checked up on this thread.
Thanks for your replies.

BRX: I have not yet used the ability to save filters, but I will now.
         Thanks for the suggestion; that will work almost as well.


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