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Best way to list songs for practice/ability level
I've come to rely so much on MSP that I'm a fully committed user...except that I have a separate master list of songs rated at how confident I am at playing each one exclusively instrumentally (instead of singing and noodling around). Of course, I want to automate that.

Looks like a very good way is to set up "saved filters" so I can, regardless of what genres I have selected, quickly get a list of only the songs I play well on a given instrument or vocally from within those genres. And if I want to practice, I can easily pop up a list of tunes rated as needing practice plus how much I care about the song.

The way I tried this is simply by putting a code in the keyword area of each tune (such as cl55 for clarinet skill level 5 and how badly I want to play this track with clarinet equals 5 on a 1-5 scale for each). Then I searched on that code and saved it as a search filter.

Anybody doing anything like this and care to share any additional ideas or issues?

If this is new to you, you can learn to use saved search filters in the manual. It involves the floppy disk and file folder icons near the top right of the interface.

So far, I have only tried in on a couple songs and it was very efficient. And of course it is not necessary to edit each song individually, because any number of songs can be selected for editing and the keyword text then applied to all of them at one time.

Am I missing anything? Thanks for any ideas! (Or I hope this is helpful!)
That seems like a pretty good approach to quickly filtering your songs. You could also leverage the rating field in a similar manner. You could then just filter on one or more ratings. This would provide flexibility in including a range of confidence levels (i.e., you could assign values 1-5, but filter on 3-5 if you wanted all songs that you were moderately confident in up to very confident).

Thanks for the reality check! I suppose there a lots of ways this kind of key wording could be useful.

If it was possible for the user to add ratings with titles, such as "Track Resolution" "Groove Quotient" or "Sax improv quality" , I would definitely use some for improving my filtering. Say I'm on a really boss sound system and I want to use only the highest resolution backing tracks, for example. Or I feel the crowd is in the mood for the strongest groove or the most romantic or whatever. Based on my particular act, I'd create a few ratings that are especially salient. 

I do something like that just with genres, like "Big Vocal" for when I am feeling like the crowd is ready for something vocally dramatic, but of course that doesn't allow me to do it in the subtractive way that a rating would. Of course, I could dedicate one of the custom fields to this kind of sub-filtering idea to at least filter withing the genres I've already selected.  


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