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Hi there,
probably this feature already exists, but I can't find it ...
I usually do an announcment every few songs. Using paper scores, i simply add a sheet of paper with the sings I want to say on top of the following score.
It would be great, to have a possibility to add text-sheets to a set list, with text that can be edited in mobilesheets (app and companion).
Right now, I can create a pdf for every announcement and import it as a song - but if I want to update this beeing on stage, I have no chance.
An text- or announcement-ediotr would make mobilesheets alomst perfect ;-)
Best regards
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This (or something similar) has been requested before.
The workaround is to store a blank page pdf in MSP (or use a .txt file?)
When you want to add notes to a setlist, "long press" on this file and select Copy Song (in the top bar).
Give the file a name, and add it to the setlist.
Having created the required file, use the annotation editor to add comments as you wish.
Alternatively, you could just annotate the blank page (but this makes life a bit more difficult if you want a second "blank page" to add different comments)
Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
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Don't forget you can also edit a song, go to the files tab, and add one or more blank pages. You could also have a song you could use in the setlist that uses a chord pro file you created in MobileSheetsPro. To do this, go to the Songs tab, tap "New", go to the files tab, tap the last icon to the right of the list and then provide a name for the chord pro file. Adding blank pages is only tricky if you want to put them in the middle of PDFs. At the moment, this would involve having to duplicate the file multiple times in the song, using the page order to split up each instance of the file and putting blank pages between those instances. At some point I'm going to add an option to insert blank pages in PDFs.
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06-29-2021, 06:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 06-29-2021, 06:34 AM by jeffn1.)
Yes, you can do this. I think in the "Files" tab. Click on the "+" icon.
It adds a new song, which is basically like a blank sheet of pdf paper. (I use this to add markers in my set list such as "SET:FIRST", "SET: END", "SET:EXTRA SONGS". (I always start with the word "SET" so I can find all of these type pages in all my collections)
Then you can just use text annotations to write whatever notes you want on the (virtual) "sheet of paper". (Or you can use the pop up feature).
(I am probably using all the wrong terms here. So, sorry if I ended up just confusing you more).
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And it is always handy to have a collection 'Tabs' containing single-page PDF files with standard texts like 'Set 1', 'Set 2', ...
Johan — — --
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
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Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).
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Hi everybody, thank you for this great workarounds!
I now added / copied a few songs with a single white page namend "announcement1", "announcement2" etc. and placed them in my setlist. I added the required text as a note.
It's not the most elegant way, but something that works for me - great!
I'd still like to add a feature-request for this, so one can add these things directly in the setlist without having to add songs, that are no songs.
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I wonder why nobody mentioned using text or chordpro files for your announcements. They can easily be edited within MSP
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I actually wrote that exact thing in my post, "You could also have a song you could use in the setlist that uses a chord pro file you created in MobileSheetsPro. To do this, go to the Songs tab, tap "New", go to the files tab, tap the last icon to the right of the list and then provide a name for the chord pro file". By the same token, you can import an external chord pro or text file as well.