Posts: 1
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Joined: Sep 2021
Hi, I use version 3.2.8 on a Surface Pro 3 tablet with Win10. I have made many annotations on different scores to add # or b in front of a note.(amature!) I save this, but when I go back to the score some days later the annotation has moved either below or over the note. I can place them back in front of the note, but the same may happen again. And this is not for all scores. Some stay as I first made them.
I have read similar treads here from but most are from earlier versions.
Any idea why this happens?
Posts: 14,079
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Joined: Apr 2012
That's really strange that you are encountering that issue. Let me ask this: what page scaling mode are you using? The "full screen" page scaling mode can create unequal scaling in the horizontal and vertical axis, and this may be related to what you are seeing. If you change it to "Fit screen", and try it again, do the annotations no longer shift on you? Text and stamp annotations are more likely to cause problems with this as the text is intentionally not stretched differently in each axis as there is no easy way to do that with 2D drawing frameworks and it also makes the text much harder to read. The built-in stamps are font based, so they are actually drawn like any other text, but I try to apply a scaling factor to have them stretch properly in full screen mode. If this continues to happen for you, please long press a song that demonstrates this issue, tap Share->Export as .msf, share the .msf with me at, provide instructions for what I should do to reproduce the problem, and I'll see if I can observe the problem occurring.