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Help transition to Mobile sheets Import file from another app
Hi I just completed organizing all my Guitar Chords / Lyrics in an Android app called Guitar Song boook pro. I organized songs artist and set list and it backs it up in a single file .gs2 in  Google Drive. Is there a way I can import this .gs2 compressed file that I backed up in that app so I don't have to reorganize again in Mobile Sheets? I am looking for a simple way to do this if someone can private message me or post the easiest way to get started in transtioning over 1k songs to mobile sheets pro android.
Can an import only be done on a Android app or can I do it thru a browser with my account on a PC? Happy to share this back up file if needed too

I want to learn more about this app is their music sharing opportunity with other users  too for guitar chords and lyrics?

Thanks excited to come on board but looking for a SIMPLE way to import what I already organized from the other app
I responded to your email, but I'll also respond here. I don't know much about the .gs2 file format. In order to determine whether any of the data can be extracted from that file to be used in MobileSheetsPro, you (or the developers of Guitar Songbook Pro) would need to provide details on that file format and how the data is packaged. It's definitely not something MobileSheetsPro supports currently though. I'm not sure about your background so I'll try not to get too technical, but if you examine the file in something like NotePad++, does the data look garbled or is it human-readable?

You can't do anything through a browser, but MobileSheets is available for Windows 10 devices through the Microsoft Store, while MobileSheetsPro is available for Android devices through the Google Play store. The two are functionally equivalent.


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