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search library for keywords

I am haply using mobilesheets for 7 years now (orchestral musician) First on android, now on windows 11.

I have a library with almost a thousand sheets. Most sheets are emailed by the librarian. The title is not always the title I use for it in my head. It is very time consuming to find a song that is played for, let's say, 5 years. And I then can't find it anymore. Until the librarian send me a new one and then it appeared to be a double entry...

Is it possible (or maybe it is already but i'am not knowing it) to search the library for "rosa" when the titel is "movement for rosa"? this would help me a lot!

Thank you.

Greetings Leo.
Press overflow menu (three dots, top right of screen)
Select Show Filters
Type rosa into the Search field (the long underlined field after "Search: All Fields")

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
Hi Geoff,

Thank you! that's it! Only in the windows version it is at the bottom, the funnel icon. Maybe that is the reason I could not find it :-)

Thank's! Bye Leo.
The funnel icon is used if the floating toolbar is enabled, but if the floating toolbar is disabled, the option to show/hide filters will go into the overflow menu.


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