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CSVFile for 1985 LDS English Hymnbook
This is the CSV Metadata for the 1985 LDS English Hymnbook. 

A zip file containing pdfs of most of the hymns in the book can be downloaded from the church website at:
or directly at:

Some prep work needs to be done to make the individual hymn pdf files into a combined pdf compatible with this CSV file.
 - The zip file needs to be extracted to a new directory.
 - The zip file of pdfs is missing several songs that the CSVFile has entries for. (Hymns number 12, 15, 54, 62, 82, 86, 124, 143, 219, 284, and 299) These need to be scanned and added to the new directory. They also need to be named so that they end up in the right spots when the PDF files are combined.
 - Currently, the PDF of hymn 160 has an extra page. It needs to be deleted.
 - Finally, all of the individual pdfs need to be combined into one large pdf with all of the hymns in order. The combined PDF should be 431 pages long. (Not to be confused with the 341 hymns in the book).

At this point the CSV file can be used to import the combined PDF file. The albums and collections that the hymnbook is automatically added to can be set to 'manual' sort and all of the hymns will be in order (1-341)

A few items to note:
 - Tune names have been added to the 'albums' category
 - Meters have been added to the 'collections' category. I may have missed a few but most should be there.
 - The hymn number has been included at the end of the title (i.e. Hymn Title - #) to make it easier to look up hymns by number.
 - The tempo data is the low end of the range indicated in the music.
 - The duration is approximately the time it takes to sing/play all of the verses (shown in the staff) at the low tempo setting with a 15sec intro.

One final thing (for those who have already scanned their hardcopy hymnbook):
Four additional columns of page range data has been added to the CSV file to accommodate people with scans of hardcopy books. These ranges will not import by default.
To use them, the headings need to be renamed.
 - rename 'pages' heading to something MSP won't recognizes like 'Not Used pages'
 - if hymn #1 starts on page 1 of the scanned PDF, rename the heading just to the right of 'duration' ('HB Hymn1 at pg1') to 'pages' (last hymn should be on page 372)
 - if hymn #1 starts on page 7, 9, or 14, rename the appropriate heading (in any of the next three columns) to 'pages' (last hymn on page 378, 380, or 385, respectively)
 - make sure there is one and only one heading labeled 'pages'
 - save the changes to the CSV file
The modified CSV file can then be used to import the songs from a scanned copy of the Hymnbook.
Hope this helps. Let me know if any typos are found.

Attached Files
.csv   1985 LDS English Hymnbook.csv (Size: 80.66 KB / Downloads: 34)

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