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Is there a rotation feature.?
Need to get the photos in the best orientation
All photos are in portrait of mode are rotated.
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Yes, you can rotate photos by double tapping on them in the song editor. This permanently rotates the photo, so it will be rotated outside MobileSheets as well. Note that currently this only works for images, not PDFs. I'm going to add PDF rotation per page in the future.
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It depends what your settings were when you created the song. If you chose Copy Files, and picked a location (internal storage, sd card, removable storage), then you can alter the files without concern. If you uncheck the copy files option, then you are using the files in their original location, and might need to be careful.
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my question, just managed to import a song in set list but i need to rotate it, its upside down everytime i turn the tablet so does the music, got to be something that i've overlooked
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Are the tablet settings set up so the orientation changes based on the rotation of the tablet?
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I just made sure I scanned the music up the right way seems OK now
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Not working for me. Samsung tab4 takes pictures in landscape mode.
In mobile sheets song editor, double click does nothing.
Best ive found yet is to lock orientation while in landscape and then it stays where it is when i turn the tablet to vertical. This must be done for each song. Makes swiping awkward, as the swipe changes orientation too.
Loving the app though - looking forward to being able to make setlist from collection in the pro version i hope?
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Not necessarily of use to MS users, but I find many apps - presumably originally designed with a 'phone in mind - will default to a portrait mode. This has two implications;
1/ If you have your device on a music stand, you will have the connectors on the upper edge - most 'phones would be used with the connectors on the lower edge. If there is no auto-rotate, often the case, then your view will be upside down.
2/ Using a large tablet, then you might find it more convenient to hold that in landscape mode, then the view is rotated 90º
There are a number of apps available which will force the mode you want, no matter what the designer intended. I like Ultimate Rotation Control, which allows the forcing of individual apps to a specific display mode, but there are plenty to coose from.