01-15-2023, 08:00 AM
probably an unusual comment - MobileSheets is just too powerful sometimes
When setting the display mode for a piece, there is a prominent "apply" button, which then asks if the setting should be applied to the whole setlist, or all pieces in the library.
A similar far reaching setting is in the cropping dialog for a file: Crop: Current page only / All pages in selected file / All pages in all files.
Depending on how one organizes their library "All pages in all pieces" setting is outright dangerous, as a erroneous application seems not reversible without restoring the last backup.
My Mobilesheets library contains over 100 setlists, 4500 pieces in a few hundred PDF files, many of the pieces with individual display settings and most of the pages cropped manually at some point.
Applying a new universal crop/display mode to all my files will most likely never be the correct operation. I always have a slightly uneasy feeling when cropping some new pages, that i could inadvertently apply the crop to the entire library and destroy all the settings.
I do not suggest to take away a powerful feature, but maybe it can be protected by a library setting "Allow 'apply to ALL pages in ALL files': YES/no"? So it can be disabled if the power can only do harm...?

When setting the display mode for a piece, there is a prominent "apply" button, which then asks if the setting should be applied to the whole setlist, or all pieces in the library.
A similar far reaching setting is in the cropping dialog for a file: Crop: Current page only / All pages in selected file / All pages in all files.
Depending on how one organizes their library "All pages in all pieces" setting is outright dangerous, as a erroneous application seems not reversible without restoring the last backup.
My Mobilesheets library contains over 100 setlists, 4500 pieces in a few hundred PDF files, many of the pieces with individual display settings and most of the pages cropped manually at some point.
Applying a new universal crop/display mode to all my files will most likely never be the correct operation. I always have a slightly uneasy feeling when cropping some new pages, that i could inadvertently apply the crop to the entire library and destroy all the settings.
I do not suggest to take away a powerful feature, but maybe it can be protected by a library setting "Allow 'apply to ALL pages in ALL files': YES/no"? So it can be disabled if the power can only do harm...?
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