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In directing our church choir I find it easier to use set lists instead of collections for our services. We never have a set schedule, though and it can turn on a dime. I normally will look up a song while I am in a chorus of the current song and then go back. I then jump over to recents and can easily find it there. If I jump into a set list to get a song on the recents tab I only get the name of the set list and not the link to the specific song. Is there an option to change this behavior?
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If you switch "Library Settings - Always Load Whole Setlist" to OFF, every single song shows up in "Recent".
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Perfect! The only thing you lose is the ability to swipe to the next song in the setlist but I rarely did that anyway. Thank you so much!
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You can enable Settings->Library Settings->Automatically Load Next Song if you still want to be able to page between the songs in the setlist (it will just load each song individually when you turn to it, so it won't be as seamless as loading the entire setlist). I may have to add a setting at some point to optionally allow each song that is viewed in a setlist to show up on the recent tab, as some users want that behavior.
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I just added the recent tab but I'm not sure I can get it to do what I'd like it to. Ideally I'd be able to use it to show pieces that have been opened more often recently, as well as pieces that have been added to the library recently, and also be able to remove pieces from it. It's possible that I'm asking too much of it though. I like that setlists show up under the recent tab but if I go to a setlist from the recent tab it seems like I can only then run through the setlist from start to finish (or in shuffled order if the order is already shuffled). I was expecting that if I went to a setlist from the recent tab I'd be able to exit back to the library view of that setlist so that I could choose pieces from it or shuffle it but I don't think it's possible to exit back to the library view of a setlist if I got there from the recent tab - it seems to just go back to the recent tab. I guess most people use setlists for playing a set list of pieces in a set order so going to the start of the list and then moving through it in the usual order is the default activity. It's possible I'm using setlists when I should be using a different kind of group.
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I love the recents tab. It allows me to go back and see what we have sung the last few services so I make sure we sing something new.
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Oz Cello - If you turn off Settings->Library Settings->Always Load Whole Setlist and enable Settings->Library Settings->Automatically Load Next Song, then it will work that way. Each song you load from the setlist will show up on the recent tab.
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This will always switch to the next song even when not viewing from a setlist.
Johan — — --
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