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AirTurn BT500 - Problems configuring pedals
Hi everbody.

I purchased an AirTurn Duo BT-500. So far it works, but I have some issues with it.

Connecting vial AirTurn App and MobileSheets via AirTurn Direct works. 

I have configured the right pedal to scroll down the page, the left pedal to scroll up. Scrolling down always works like expected, scrolling up does not. When a specific point of the page is reached, it starts scrolling down when I press the 'scroll up' pedal. Also when I reached page 2 I'm not able to scroll up at all.
When configuring the pedal 1 for scrolling up I press the left pedal which is recognized as 'PAGE_UP'. For scrolling down I configure pedal 2 and press the right pedal, which is recognized as DPAD_LEFT  Huh

Is that correct?

I tried to put the AirTurn into mode 1 but it didn't get better and I'm not sure if it is in that mode. How can I check that?
I do not care what name the pedal has as long as it makes what I want it to do.

And just for my comfort: is it possible to make a quick page flip up or down pressing the pedals like a 'mouse double click'?


PS: We just had a large concert rehearsel last weekend and meanwhile most of the tablet users use MobileSheets Pro  Big Grin

As long as each pedal is uniquely identified by a different key command, it should be fine regardless of it sending page up or dpad left. Mode 1 is only used with AirTurn Direct Mode. If you press and hold the mode button on the pedal until it blinks once then release it, it will be in mode 1. It should flash back once to indicate this. 

There are no double-click type actions supported with pedals at the moment. In theory I could support different actions if you pressed a pedal twice in quick succession, but this would also require that with the normal single press, I would have to wait for at least a half second or second before taking action to ensure the user did not press the pedal twice. This would make pedals feel less responsive, so I'm not sure if I want to support it. If enough users ask for it, I could certainly add the necessary code though.

I'm definitely concerned about the scrolling behavior you are seeing though. Something definitely does not sound right there. Are you using the single page display mode or the vertical scrolling display mode? Can you long press the song, tap Share->Export as .msf and send the file to mike@zubersoft.com? I'd like to test with the file on my tablet to see if I can reproduce what you are seeing. Also, what type of tablet are you using?

Hi Mike.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I was just a little confused that the two pedals send different names. As long as it works, it is OK for me.

I agree with the 'double click' action. I don't think it is a good idea to wait for a double click before the regular action is performed. So OK for me.

I play with scrolling so I see the upper part of the following page while I still see the bottom of the actual page. It happens with every song (I use PDF) so I don't think it will help to send a file. But I will send you 2 of them.
I will also try to make a video where you can see what happens.


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