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Yes Mike, I deleted the post. I had the problem as described in the deleted post but after restarting the program it seems to be all right. I do not know the cause but if I experience the problem in future I will notify you.
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I was not able to play my Genos for a while but now that I started again I noticed a problem in the midi communication with
I have linked a lot of sheet music in Mobilesheets with registrations in my Genos and noticed that a correct link is only made when the correct registration bank is choosen beforehand.
To explain more clearly: if I choose a song in Mobilesheets of which I know that it is in registration bank A memory 4 and the current registration bank is B the memory 4 in bank B will be choosen. To get the correct registration I have to choose the correct bank beforehand.
I think this is not correct and I would like to have this solved. Who can help?
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There are two different ways to link registrations with MobileSheets:
1) If a registration is selected but a button is not active and you tap the link icon, MobileSheets will create just a single system exclusive message in the song's MIDI configuration. This will load the registration, but it will not load the settings for a particular button
2) If a registration is selected as well as a button for that registration, then MobileSheets creates two separate batch MIDI commands after the link icon is tapped. This is the correct (and best) way to configure the MIDI messages.
If you've been using option #2 and it's still not selecting the correct registration before selecting the button, something is definitely not working the way it is supposed to with your setup. That usually means something is interfering with the MIDI communication. Are you connecting over USB or bluetooth? If you test sending the first MIDI batch command in the song settings, does it correctly select the registration? It would be good to test each batch MIDI command in isolation.
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Thank you sofar Mike.
FYI I use USB for connection.
I followed you instruction 1) and linked 2 new registration banks with no memory button active: no problem. When linking I receive the message “System exclusiv
But I need to link the memory buttons as well because I have a different song sheets for every button. For this I follow your instruction 2). When linking I receive the message as given in photo (batch command).
Most of the time this goes well but sometimes the sheets do not change with the button. It is difficult for me to explain but let me try:
I linked all memories in a bank and notice that memory 1 to 8 are linked correctly but memory 9 and 10 do not link. If I try to correct this by repeating the procedure for memory 9 and 10 then the linking for 9 and 10 is correct but the linking of 1 to 8 has disappeared.
Please note that this happens in the situation that I choose a memory to get the music sheet. If I do it the other way around (choosing the music sheet to get the correct memory) it functions well. It looks like the problem occurs only when sending midi data from genos to mobile sheets and not when receiving.
I noticed another strange behaviour: normally one can change registration bank by using the + or - button of registration bank. In case that the link function does not work it is not possble to change bank with + or - button, only via menu. I do not know if this has something to do with ithe problem.
I hope you can give me suggestions to solve this.
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It would help if another Genos owner can chime in to indicate whether they see the same issue. I have a Yamaha SX600, so I can run similar tests, but I don't know if it will behave identically to the Genos (in theory it should). You said this, "I linked all memories in a bank and notice that memory 1 to 8 are linked correctly but memory 9 and 10 do not link. If I try to correct this by repeating the procedure for memory 9 and 10 then the linking for 9 and 10 is correct but the linking of 1 to 8 has disappeared.". I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say the linking of 1 to 8 has disappeared. Are you saying you see an issue on the Genos itself, or are you seeing things disappear in MobileSheets? You can only link one memory to one song in MobileSheets, so I hope you aren't trying to assign multiple to a single song, as it will just replace whatever is currently linked. To summarize the other things you said:
1) If you switch registration banks using the + or - buttons, this does not load a song in MobileSheets properly
2) If you load a registration bank through the menu, you didn't say whether or not that worked properly.
3) Tapping different memory buttons does not always load a score in MobileSheets
Does that basically match what you are seeing?
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Thanks for your quick reply Mike.
I am afraid that I made it a bit complicated but I find very it complicated myself. With linking I mean that a memory button corresponds with a musicsheet in Mobile sheets visa versa. So if a touch a memory I want to see the corresponding musicsheet on my monitor display. Anf if I choose a musicsheet in Mobilesheets the corresponding memorybutton must lit.
To get this I folloed the procedure as given in your previous post. I always link only one button with one sheet. So far I linked all the momories of 2 banks. When I did the procudure for bank 3 I noticed the problem after linking memory 9 and 10. After that I tried to relink 9 and 10. After that the link of 1 to 8 disappeard. With “…..but the linking of 1 to 8 has disappeared” I mean that there is no change of musicsheet on the monitor display if I choose memory 1, 2, 3…….or 8 when coming from memory 9 or 10. This happens only in one direction because if I choose the song in Mobile sheets for e.g memory 4 the correct memory 4 lits.
As said before it looks complicated and is difficult to explain.
Your remarks 1), 2), 3) match what I see.
Regarding remark 1): yes this does not load the song in mobile sheet properly because bank does not change in Genos either. Bank only can be changed through the menu. This only occurs when the problem is there.
Regarding remark 2): this works properly for the registration banks that do not have the problem but the problem remains for the bank that has the problem.
I’m hoping for new suggestions and hope to finally solve it.
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05-21-2023, 04:04 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-21-2023, 04:08 PM by Rey_a.)
(05-18-2023, 08:18 PM)NAMA Wrote: Extract from first post (may 18) : To explain more clearly: if I choose a song in Mobilesheets of which I know that it is in registration bank A memory 4 and the current registration bank is B the memory 4 in bank B will be choosen. To get the correct registration I have to choose the correct bank beforehand.
(05-21-2023, 07:05 AM)NAMA Wrote: Extract from post from may 20 Please note that this happens in the situation that I choose a memory to get the music sheet. If I do it the other way around (choosing the music sheet to get the correct memory) it functions well. It looks like the problem occurs only when sending midi data from genos to mobile sheets and not when receiving.
@Bert : Bert in your first post (may 18) - see above - you say 'the memory button from the wrong registration bank is choosen, when loading a song in Mobilesheets' and in your post from yesterday (see above), you say 'it functions well when choosing the music sheet to get the correct memory button'. Has the issue described on may 18 dissapeared ? Or are you still having issues in both directions?
@Bert @Mike : I saved a setting to each of the 10 buttons of a registration bank on my Genos and linked a different song to each button. Then I tested (sequentially) all songs/buttons in both directions (MS to G and G to MS) and evertything seems to work well. I also changed Genos to a different registration bank file with a setting behind eacht button before loading a song in MS when testing that direction, so that I could see if the issue described by bert on May 18 occurs, but it does not. So I am not able to reproduce any of the described issues.
@Mike: Mike, the issue described by Bert that genos does not change registration files when pressing the +/- buttons is known to me for a long time. It happens from time to time. I have always considered it to be a Genos bug. I don't think it has anything to do with MS.
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen-Windows 11, HP Slate 17-Android 4.4.4, iPad Pro 12.9 gen2-iPadOs16
Yamaha Genos 1, Roland PK-6, Yamaha PSR SX900
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Thanks Rudy, you are an expert in MS in combination with Genos, your contribution is very much appreciated.
Yes, the issue as described on May 18 disappeared. I do not know why but probably because I tried several things without knowing what I exactly did (due to frustration).
I now have 9 registration banks of which all memories are correctly linked to a scoresheet in MS.
The last one I did has the problem as described for bank 3 in my latest post. I tried several ways to delete the links for the whole bank by repeating the procedure for relinking each memory with the corresponding scoresheet in MS but the problem remains. I even renewed the registration settings and relinked with no result. It looks like the setting is stored somewhere and cannot be deleted. Is there a way to delete all the links just for one single bank?
Regarding the problem with + and - setting of registration bank: I never noticed this problem up till I started using MS. Maybe it has nothing to do with the problem but is more noticable because I use this option much more now.
I hope you can help me in some way.
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For one of the songs that has the issue.
- Can you open the MIDI tab for that song in Mobilesheets.
- Then select the batch command that has 'laad bij ontvangt' next to it (this is the one that is not working according to your description),
- and then press the pen icon above the linking chain icon on the right hand side of the screen to see the details of that batch command.
is the registration file name shown there correct (It should end with '.S719.rgt') , is the button number mentioned there correct ?
Please note that if you ever decide to change the icon, assosiated to a registration file, the name of that registration file will change and the link will break. But it will break in both directions.
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen-Windows 11, HP Slate 17-Android 4.4.4, iPad Pro 12.9 gen2-iPadOs16
Yamaha Genos 1, Roland PK-6, Yamaha PSR SX900
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I followed your instructions. Pleas find attached the screenshots of my pc for both commands.
I checked also for the registrationbanks that do not have the problem and these are exactly the same.
Do you have a conclusion?
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Well everything seems to be ok on the screen. So it is a mistery to me why 8 buttons of this one bank are failing to work (in one direction only) while you have 9 other banks that are absolutely fine.
I always use one separate registration file for each song, so I don't have any experience in using Genos and MobileSheets in the way you are using them, but having said that, the one registration file with 10 different songs linked to it, that I created to test the system in the way you are using it, works fine on my system.
Maybe - just as a workaround - you could forget about the INT3 Registration file, and make a new one and link all the songs currenly linked to INT3 to that new INTx. Hopefully that will work.
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen-Windows 11, HP Slate 17-Android 4.4.4, iPad Pro 12.9 gen2-iPadOs16
Yamaha Genos 1, Roland PK-6, Yamaha PSR SX900
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Thanks for your suggestion Rudy, I will be out today and will try tomorrow and let you know the result.
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Hi Rudy,
I deleted the registration bank INT3 and made a new one named INT3a and renewed settings of each memory. A strange thing happened: without making new links every memory of that new bank linked to the corresponding scoresheet in MS and the problem remained the same. After that I renamed the bankname into TEST and all MS links of that bank disappeared. After linking all memories the problem did not show up any more. I find it strange that this was not the case when I only made a small change in registrationname and made a complete new memoryfill.
Because registration INT3 was one of 9 registrationbanks, all filled with international songs, I wanted to have the original name. So I again modified TEST into INT3 and I had to link the memories again. To my surprise everything works fine now. I have it now as I want but I wonder why this all happened.
I will continue in linking more banks and see whether the problem shows up again.
Do you have an idea about the cause of all this?
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When making/creating a link in MobileSheets, MS asks Genos which Registration File it has loaded and which registration button was pressed. Genos’s answers are then stored by MS both as a ‘Send on Load’ batch command and as a ‘Load on Receive’ batch command. And that information is saved to the song in MobileSheets. Noting about the link is saved on Genos itself.
Now when you load that same song later in MS, MS will send that ‘send on load’ batch command to Genos, in order to ask it to load that registration file and to press that button. Which Genos will do if it finds the registration file. If it does not find the registration file, nothing will happen on Genos apart from pressing the requested button in the currently loaded registration file.
On the other hand, if you load a registration file and press a registration button on Genos, Genos will inform MS that this has happened, and MS will look in it’s database to see if it finds a match for those events among the ‘load on receive’ batch commands. If it does, MS will load that song.
That's how the link works.
As a result of the above, renaming or moving a registration file on Genos, will break all links to that registration file. Creating it again with the same name will re-enable all links …
All of the above explain some of the things you have experienced.
There is no explanation for other things you saw happening. Because they seem not logical. Mr Spock, in the days of Star Trek, probably would have said ‘Does not compute’ …
Hopefully these unexplainable things were just the result of a rare combination of events and or timings and you will not encounter them again.
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen-Windows 11, HP Slate 17-Android 4.4.4, iPad Pro 12.9 gen2-iPadOs16
Yamaha Genos 1, Roland PK-6, Yamaha PSR SX900
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Your explanation about how it works is logical but this is not what I experience.
After that the problems with INT3 were solved I went on with INT4. I linked memories 1 to 6 with no problem but when linking memory 7 it went wrong. Similar problem as previously in INT3: no scoresheet change for memory 1,2,3,4, only for memory 5,6 and 7. When selecting the scoresheet in MS the correct memory is choosen as well for memory 1 to 7 but then when selecting from Genos it has changed: no scoresheet change for memory 5,6 and 7, only for memory 1,2,3 and 4. It changes each time that I make the choice in MS instead of Genos.
Then I changed the INT4 filename into BERT, all links were disabled. I relinked all 7 memories and after that changed back the filename to INT4. To my surprise all worked fine.
It looks like there is always a way for me to get it working but it is very complicated and unpredictable.