(04-11-2017, 06:07 AM)DomieMic65 Wrote: Hallo guys new here wondering what tablet to buy!
is 9.7 screen too small for studying music or performing as a solo singer?
Singing an oratorio with orchestra for example....
I am considering the new galaxy tab s3 (9.7)
or it whould be better to give some more to go to windows and Surface pro 4?
thnx in advance
It depends on your set-up and how far away the tablet will typically be from your face.
Of course, your eyesight may be a factor as well!
I find the 9" to 10" tablets I have to be more than adequate.
I often make use of my 7" tablets as well, with no issues.
I think anything larger than 12" would be for a special case (bad eyesight, tablet really far away) or for someone who wants to induce 'tablet envy' in his compatriots.
I could be wrong, it happened once before.