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Chordpro Transpose directive
Thanks for implementing this!

Unfortunately, there are two flaws... (Don't blame yourself, it happened to me as well when I implemented this in ChordPro Smile ).

One problem is that a chorus recalled with {chorus} is not subject to transposing. For example:

[D]Swing low
{transpose: +2}

The first chorus recall shows D, but for the recall following the transpose this should be E.

The second problem is that there is no way to control whether a single step transpose of A should result in A# or Bb. ChordPro uses the method that transpose up will yield sharps, while transpose down will yield flats. So you can write {transpose:-11} to get A transposed to Bb.

Maybe this is not the most elegant solution, but it works like a charm...
johanvromans.nl — hetgeluidvanseptember.nl — mojore.nl -- howsagoin.nl
Samsung Galaxy Note S7FE (T733) 12.4", Android 13.0, AirTurn Duo & Digit (Gigs).
Samsung Galaxy Note S4 (T830) 10.5", Android 10.0 (maintenance and backup).
Samsung A3 (A320FL), Android 8.0.0 (emergency).

Messages In This Thread
Chordpro Transpose directive - by SenseiC - 07-29-2018, 01:09 PM
RE: Chordpro Transpose directive - by Zubersoft - 07-30-2018, 02:29 AM
RE: Chordpro Transpose directive - by sciurius - 07-30-2018, 09:28 PM
RE: Chordpro Transpose directive - by Zubersoft - 07-31-2018, 02:51 PM

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