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Best cloud storage for sharing files among band

I've been using Dropbox for a while to share my files and set lists with my band members, but now Dropbox doesn't like more than 3 devices anymore.

I am guessing if I were to use Google Drive, every tablet would need to be setup with my Google account on a tablet level (instead of just MSP) in order to access the drive (please correct me if I'm wrong).

One possible solution might be adding support for a Shared Folder (share by link) from either Dropbox or Google Drive - I'd rather everyone has read-only access than no access at all. Not sure how hard that would be to implement, though.

It would be nice if one of my band members could also write, but I guess you can't have it all...

Is there any alternative that could be used? If it requires installing an extra plugin or app, I'd be OK with that.
Heck, is there a Google Drive sync client that does not require the entire device to be logged into the account?

There is an option to pick "External/Cloud", but I don't know how it works or what it does.

Oh, and OneDrive doesn't count (at least in my book) :-)

Thoughts, ideas?


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Best cloud storage for sharing files among band - by semmelbroesel - 07-20-2019, 06:45 AM

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