Running SQL queries on the database is the way to go for something like this. I just tested the following and it works:
Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0
This will strip everything after "(" in the Title. It will only impact titles that have a "(" in them. So execute the first query:
Update Songs Set Custom = Title
then execute:
Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0
and I think you'll get exactly what you are looking for.
Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0
This will strip everything after "(" in the Title. It will only impact titles that have a "(" in them. So execute the first query:
Update Songs Set Custom = Title
then execute:
Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0
and I think you'll get exactly what you are looking for.