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I FOUND A WAY TO DO IT!! Now how to edit Custom Fields?
I have 12 tablets. All with 700+ PDF charts on them. Each tablet has the same songs but different charts for those songs.

et al

they all read different parts.

I was able to control them using Master-Slave but ONLY when we have matching setlists. If the singer called an audible, they'd have to dig through the "SONGS" tab and that was cumbersome.

I just tried using a Custom tag on the master and slave for a song and then I changed to that song, the slave called it up because the Custom tag was the same for both tablets. This is huge for me.

NOW....is there a way to Custom Tag all songs on import? Or do it somehow on my PC before import?

PDF title is "Africa (A) - CHART - Drums.pdf"

Is there a way to strip the title name and populate the CUSTOM field to read "Africa"?
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
Can anyone think of a solution on how to tag the Custom Field of my PDFs with just the name of the song so I don't have to do them all manually?
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
Unfortunately, not at the moment. I don't support extracting fields from file names and I don't currently support extracting metadata from PDFs (both are on my list of things to do).  

Okay, I lied, you probably could do this with some SQL queries fairly easily. You could just run a query that updates all songs by replacing their custom field with the song title. Is that all you want to do?

(12-18-2019, 05:35 PM)Zubersoft Wrote: Okay, I lied, you probably could do this with some SQL queries fairly easily. You could just run a query that updates all songs by replacing their custom field with the song title. Is that all you want to do?


In a perfect world, I'd like to take the TITLE and copy the song name to the CUSTOM field and remove anything before the "("

CUSTOM: Stand By Me

I'm trying to do this with the companion app and it's working but since I get disconnected from my tablet about every 2 minutes, it's gonna take me a lot of time to manually type in the song name into the CUSTOM field.

I can't stay connected to my tablet for more than a couple of minutes. Haven't figured it out and it's really annoying.  

I'm using VMWare Fusion 10 / Windows 10 on my MacBook Pro.
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.
Running SQL queries on the database is the way to go for something like this. I just tested the following and it works:

Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0

This will strip everything after "(" in the Title. It will only impact titles that have a "(" in them. So execute the first query:

Update Songs Set Custom = Title

then execute:

Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0

and I think you'll get exactly what you are looking for.

(12-19-2019, 03:23 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: Running SQL queries on the database is the way to go for something like this. I just tested the following and it works:

Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0

This will strip everything after "(" in the Title. It will only impact titles that have a "(" in them. So execute the first query:

Update Songs Set Custom = Title

then execute:

Update Songs Set Custom = trim(substr(Title,1,instr(Title, "(") - 1)) WHERE instr(Title, "(") > 0

and I think you'll get exactly what you are looking for.


that worked perfectly.
I was able to access my Tablets using ANDROID FILE TRANSFER.

I've never done any SQL before so this was a first.  But I got all my tablets synced.
12 tablets (Insignia, ONN, Dragon Touch). Ranging from Android 5 to 9.

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