(Yesterday, 08:34 PM)itsme Wrote: Why do you want to reinvent the wheel? The database of MobileSheets can search, find and open your sheets way better than every HTML page you create yourself. CSV import is the way to go. Take a look at the manual or search the forum for details.
To avoid the default behaviour that MobileSheets copies your files to its internal storage you may want to manage your files yourself. On Android switch off "Storage - Let MobileSheets Manage My Files" (Speicher - MobileSheets soll meine Daten verwalten). Then set the MobileSheets storage location to a local directory of your choice and organise your files in a folder structure inside the MobileSheets storage location. If you then import your files into MobileSheets only the database entries are created, the files stay where you saved them and the MobileSheets database links to your original files. Every change shows up immediately in MobileSheets. That's how I organise my sheet music since I started using MobileSheets
I recommend to start with a small subset of your files and play around with MobileSheets until your happy with the result before you invest a lot of effort. Thus you can start from scratch in case it's required without lossing too many hours of work.
Thank you of theese hints! I will check them out.