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Trouble editing a setlist!
Frustrated.  Angry  Editing an existing setlist. After adding and removing songs, then rearranging them, when all done THE SETLIST IS NOT CHANGED. 
What am I missing???
Are you editing the setlist in the setlist window, or in the group editor? If you are using the setlist window, you have to tap the save icon if you actually want to save the changes. If you are using the group editor, tap the Save option in the action bar to save the changes, or if you have enabled "Automatically Save on Back" in the overflow menu, then just tapping the back button should also save the changes.

The third tab from the left on my screen is 'setlist'. In the window below, I only have one. When I click on the setlist name, the list appears, numbered. On the top right bar, I click on edit and the screen shows the setlist on the left, and the list of songs on the right. I add and remove songs to and from the left and then I rearrange by moving up and down.  I click the 'save' on the top right bar. The screen blinks, and takes me back to the setlist. But the order is not in the saved order! I click on 'edit' again in the top right bar and reorder the list again, and click on 'save.' The screen goes to the setlist. (I've been doing this as I type this reply..)  and, lo and behold, this time the list order is saved. Any guess as to why I had to do this maybe 4 times to get it to save?? 

And I do not know what the group editor is.
While we're here, is there a way to rename the 'default' library?
You cannot rename the default library at the moment. As far as the issue you encountered, I'm not really sure I can explain that, as I've never seen that happen while testing on any platform. I'll run some tests to see if I can figure out any way to reproduce what you've described.

It would be great if you can export your settings under Settings->Backup and Restore->Export Settings, export the setlist on the Setlists tab by selecting it and tapping Share->Export songs and files, and then send both the .mcf and .msf file to mike@zubersoft.com so I can see if I can reproduce the problems you've described with your setlist and settings.

I created the settings file, but I do not see the option 'share' with the setlist on screen.
oh, I found! I rt clicked on the list name and see the share choice
The share option wanted to use Outlook by default, which I do not use. So, I did another export. Emailing soon.
I imported the setlist you sent me, but if I modify it, remove songs, add new songs, reorder songs, then save, the changes are always immediately saved and I can see the changes take effect on the main library screen. If this is not working reliably for you, the next steps is to backup your library under Settings->Backup and Restore->Backup Library, uninstall MobileSheets, reinstall it, restore the library and see if the issue persists. I just want to rule out a corrupted installation or something along those lines. I definitely can't seem to reproduce what you've described.

(07-23-2023, 01:06 AM)snuff58 Wrote: While we're here, is there a way to rename the 'default' library?

You can add a new library and specify its name by clicking the + Button on
Settings - Library Settings - Switch Library
and use that.
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