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connect to moxf
I am struggling to connect my samsung S9 ultra to a Yamaha MOxf, when I plug in USB cable the Yamaha says No response from USB device
Can anyone help?
Is the Android OS treating the Yamaha M0xf as an audio device when connected over USB? I want to check this because that has caused major issues for me with the MIDI functionality with some devices and I don't know at this moment how to prevent the OS from trying to treat the keyboard as an audio output device (I see this with my Yamaha SX600, for example). If you can connect through something like a Roland UM-One, mioXC, WIDI Master, WIDI Jack, etc, then this would get around the issue. You can also try switching the MIDI library in MobileSheets to the "Default/Legacy" instead of using the Google MIDI library to see if that helps. Also, if you can, try testing with multiple cables to ensure there is no issue there (I've certainly seen that in the past as well).

Thanks for the reply Mike, I’m very green when it comes to midi, the moxf has two usb sockets, one is usb b? And labelled Host, the other is usb A and labelled Device, it is here I am connecting to my tablet.
I’m sure in the past I’ve connected to a laptop to try and play with the Yamaha software but I can’t recall the results.
Try to open the drop down menu (when you swipe down the screen) on your Samsung Tab to enter the settings.
There might also be a small entry on top (first row left) of the screen with an USB picture, tap on that.

In any way open the settings for USB und you should be able to select different connection types, such as:
- Data transfer / Android Car
- USB-Tethering
- MIDI --> to be selected!
- Data transfer of pictures
- Charge only

The menu entry on your device may be different, as I'm using a German Tab S7

Gold luck,
Many thanks, I got a USB B to C cable and it connected straight away! I have been playing and can get songs to change voices by using MIDI command 'program change', I would like to change also the voice setting to performance mode but this is beyond me. A few checks said us sysex command, but when I click on the area to type in new I don't get a keyboard to type in new entry??
I'll play later, more google perhaps
Do you have a bluetooth pedal connected? If so, the virtual keyboard is disabled while a pedal is connected. See these posts for how to get around that:



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