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Sync local directory
Well done on a great product. I've been using the Windows version for years.

I have been manually syncing files outside of MS and then clicking the Import | Batch Import button in MS to keep it in sync with my local folder. To make this quicker, I'd love for MS to remember the 'Import directory' from last time so I don't need to browse to it each time. Then I'd love either:

1. MS to auto batch import (i.e. auto sync with local directory) every time MS is opened or,
2. A Batch Import button on the front screen that does the batch import using the settings from last time i.e. one click sync.
It's somewhat problematic to remember the last directory, because it could have been to a location that is inaccessible (i.e. a removable drive), to a cloud folder that might require authentication, etc. If enough users want this, I can try to make it happen, but there could very well be an error that occurs after starting the batch import if the folder can't be accessed. My hope is that users will understand in this situation that they may need to just select the folder again, especially with cloud folders where the saved oauth token may need to be refreshed. While I can see the appeal in saving the folder in some situations, it's not terribly inconvenient (in my opinion), to tap the folder, the local file, then tap OK, because the file browser should default to the last folder you browsed to (and the file browser correctly handles situations where it can't access the last viewed folder). 

It definitely sounds to me like what you really want is an automatic sync option to a local directory. I am going to be working on an automatic sync feature later this year, and I'd like to add support for local and network drives with that, so I'll see what I can do.

Thanks Mike for the considered response - much appreciated. Sync to a local directory is exactly what I want.


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